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Need A Rose To Grow Through A large Wisteria Bush

I have a huge wisteria bush in my large front yard. It is spectatular in the spring. I was walking in the front yard today, looking at the roses for any sign of new growth and I had the idea that this huge bush would make a good place to plant a couple of roses that could grow through its branches and bloom in summer. I have room to plant 3, in a circle around the plant, where I could care for them and they could trail into this huge bush and bloom during the summer. The site has all day sun and is close to a water spigot. I was thinking perhaps something like Blush Noisette or Climbing Pinkie - something that blooms all the time. Dont care about color or fragrance - just that it have a trailing habit and bloom consistently. This little project can enable me into 3 more, any ideas??? Thanks!!


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