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Complete Lawn Renovation

11 years ago

I completely reseeded my lawn on Sept 1. I killed the existing lawn with Roundup 3-4 weeks prior. 1 week prior, I mowed the dead lawn at the lowest setting then spread 1/2 inch of Comtil Plus, a compost product produced by the city wastewater plant. 1 day before seeding I did a thorough core aeration and I used a slit seeder to actually plant the seed. I have watered daily ever since.

My seed mix is as follows:

24.5% Rhambler SRP Tall Fescue

24.5% Cochise IV Tall Fescue

24.5% Inferno Tall Fescue

19.6% Bullseye Tall Fescue

4.42% Award Kentucky Bluegrass

0.4% Crop

0.01% Weeds

2.07% Inert

Oliger Seed Company, 89 Hana Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44319

So now the questions...

First, some areas the seed came in great. The problem is other areas it did not. I fear the slit seeder may have distributed the seed to deep in some areas and not as deep in others. Given how late it is in the season, should I try to add more seed via a drop spreader and light rake or are my expectations too high for establishing a new lawn.

Second question is where can I get a seed blend like this again, or I would consider overseeding with a slightly different blend such as :

20% Rhambler SRP Tall Fescue

20% Cochise IV Tall Fescue

20% Inferno Tall Fescue

20% Bullseye Tall Fescue

20% Firecracker LS Fescue

I purchased the original seed through my organic lawn care service but they charged over $4 per pound. I later found this site and realized that $2 per pound may be achieved. I also hear a bunch of support for the Firecracker LS. Who can I buy this from directly at a better price?

Thoughts and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you,


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