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I'm giving up organic today. Mildew hath runneth over.

17 years ago

I've been on an organic program since roughly 2001 since I got my own little spot of land in central Dallas. I've generated mounds of compost and followed Howard Garrett's books and website fairly regularly. I even called in to his show to discuss this issue.

It's not worth a photo, but for the most part my tomatoes and now other areas of my back yard are run over by a persistent powdery mildew that spreads every single day.

I started with cornmeal drenchings with garlic, then stepped up to Potassium Bicarbonate. The mildew sneezed at that and kept on going. A rain came and I was unable to spray anything for about a week.

At that point I stepped it up to copper fungicide (outside of HG's list for the first time) and alternated that with Neem every 4 days. For the first time I got a little relief and ceased having to prune for about 10 days. Then, it exploded again practically overnight. I then went to the wettable 90% sulfer (another big HG no-no, but still "organic") whilst wearing a dust mask, goggles, gloves, and tyvek suit.

Repeating this once every week or so alternated with neem seemed to have it under control. Not so, now it's plowing thru again and spreading to plants that were previously untouched.

So that's it. I'm done. I'm taking caroyln's advice like I should have 3 months ago and I'm going to Daconil and that's that.

I enjoy lurking here and reading the ideas and solutions, but at some point you have to make the decision to either to turn your backyard under and grow grass, or go to chemicals.


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