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Do we really need humidity to make plants thrive? Confused

16 years ago

Sometimes I wonder. I am almost tempted to shut off all my humidifiers and say forget about using them!

What I don't understand is why all the ones I have here at work in full sunny windows all winter, do so awsome, in fact seem to do better without all the humidity?

They flower like mad. Some put out fruit and great growth. Some denias, and most citrus. One with big flowers, and Two citrus fruiting, growing here at work for over 2 months now, without humidity.

They seem to fare better than the ones in my humid plant room at home, with lots of grow lites, some sun, and very warm conditions.. When I see one of my plants is not doing so good, I bring it there, and within days, it is so happy there.

Seems like my place here at work is a cure all for any problem or sick plant.

These ones here at work, never have bugs, and if they were loosing leaves in my warm humid room, once they get to that sunny work enviroment, to see if they improve, they stop dropping leaves and seem to respond well, they do!!

Is humidity REALLY neccersary, boy I butchered that word, or will they do just a fine in my plant room without all the humidity like they are doing at my work?

I have several tropicals, some gardenias and citrus, that when they are not doing so good in my HUMID plant room, I bring them there as a last resort, and they are sitting at my work within days all perked up. Seems they do GREAT, as soon as they get all that SUN from the tall windows there with no humidity at all. Seems like they choose the sun over the humidity....

I don't know anymore. I am a bit confused as to what to do. Some here say humidity is a must, then when I see how well they do at my work, my plants tell me not so...

Please unconfuse me anyone.


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