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shade for cool weather veggies

I live in Boyne City Michigan. This city is located in the northern/upper part of the lower peninsula. Since Michigan is located in the northern part of the United States summer weather here is milder, as in less hot compared to southern states. Still I do have questions about planting cool weather veggies in Mid-July here. In early to mid morning it tends to be cool where I live. In the afternoon it becomes warmer but there is still a breeze so it's not sweltering with the temperature. In the evening it cools down again.

I realize that the questions I have aren't really regarding container gardening. However people have been so helpful here regarding my questions with container gardening I figured I would ask anyway. In a way, what I'm inquiring about sort of correlates with container gardening because what I'm growing is being grown in container gardening.

Today I planted some carrots and icicle radishes from seed. They're in white containers and the containers are 9"-10" in diameter and 3 gallons.

I am wondering if I should put them in partial shade even though the seeds haven't germinated yet. The reason I'm debating doing this is because I know cool weather veggies have a difficult time even germinating if the weather is really hot.

I would like to put them in an area where there is mostly shade but some patches of sunlight to cool them down. However would they receive the adequate sunlight that they need?

The soil mixture I'm using is a combination of equal parts spahgnum peat moss, regular peat moss, Miracle Gro potting mix, and topsoil. The peat does help the soil to retain longer water. I don't know if prolonged water retention will help cool down the cool weather veggies I'm planting; I also don't know that if prolonged soil retention due to the peat moss helps them keep cool if it prolongs how long they're kept cool as a result of this. I just figured I'd bring it up.

The reason I'm asking if I should put them in shade is because I don't want my seedlings to suffer because of warm weather and I don't want them to die.

I plan to plant turnips, spinach and lettuce in the near future as well, so I'm wondering if I should put them in shade as well. I would like to put all my cool weather veggies in the area where there is mostly shade but some patches of sunlight as well. My question is would they receive enough sunlight that they need in an area where there is mostly shade.

I would just wait until the weather cools down for my veggies but I want them to mature in time, I don't have a choice but to plant some of now. As a result unfortunately I don't have the option of waiting until the weather

cools down for some of my veggies. With spinach and white radishes I can because they have such quick maturing times. With lettuce, carrots, and turnips I don't have time to wait to plant them later until the weather cools down because they take longer to mature.

I could really use input and advice regarding this please.

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