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My container gardening 'experiment'

12 years ago

My whole adventure with container gardening kind of started on a whim and took on a mind of its own over the last couple of months. The bad news is, I've managed to kill (or very close) a tomato, some pumpkins, one blueberry bush, and a couple of strawberries. The rest of the strawberries did great but they've pretty much shut down for now. I'm hoping the Ozark Beauties might crank out another batch of berries later this summer/fall but that remains to be seen. I don't know what variety the other strawberries are so I'm not sure if they'll do any more this year or not. I'll be thrilled if they do!

Everything else is doing great! I'm so excited and wanted to show off:

Watermelons are taking over! I'm thinking of putting some of these in the "desert" between my house and my neighbor next year just for the groundcover! I've got a Jubilee that I bought as a seedling in a 31-gal rubbermaid, 3 Crimson Sweets that I started from seeds in pots that are WAAAAY too small (I assume...they don't really seem to mind), and one that I have no idea what variety it is (one of those windowsill kits for the kids) in a pot that's WAAY too small but again, it's set fruit despite the less-than-ideal conditions. There are at least 10 good-sized melons between the five of them and who knows how many more babies hiding under all those vines.


Found Mr. Peanut this morning...isn't he cute!


The twins :) Believe it or not, these are crimson sweet growing in a 14" pot!!


It'll be interesting to see how this one grows since it's right in the corner of the box. I'm leaving it alone for now but keeping an eye on it.


This is what our Cayenne pepper plants looked like when we started:


And these are the two that are sharing a box with the watermelon a month later. Not sure if the peppers are so skinny because the watermelon is crowding them or if they like it drier than the melon or if it's just normal.


Here's the two that are in their own pots. These are FINALLY starting to turn red.


No tassles on my corn yet but I planted it late and it's more than chest high. I'm tempted to thin it a little because there are about 15 stalks in this 31-gal box and that seems like an awfully lot but I'm trying to be patient and leave it alone for now


I moved my cantaloupe the other day to cut the grass and get it a little further from the cucumbers (and fill in the space left by our dearly departed pumpkins). I think I must have damaged one of the vines because most of it looks great but there's one vine that doesn't look good. I might get out there again later and see if I can find the problem. We've already picked one cantaloupe (a little too soon) and have one more the size of a softball. Apparently the female flowers only open for about 5 minutes because I can never seem to catch them but there are a few that look like they may have been pollinated so we'll see.


This is three picklebush and two burpless bush hybrid cucumbers in an 18-gal tub with a wire teepee. I made my first batch of pickles over the weekend, gave mom some fresh cukes, and have another basket ready to be pickled!


I see lots more pickles in my future!


This is my little picklebush in a 14" pot. Originally, I didn't trellis this one and just let the vines go. About two days ago I added the trellis and he wasn't too happy with me at first (but the bees went nuts) but he seems to have forgiven me now and is adjusting to the new setup. I've gotten several cukes off this plant but hopefully it will do even better growing up.


This was the extent of this year's blueberry harvest but this was just about two weeks after I planted these. I had three in 24" diameter pots but one died. Haven't decided whether to put these in the ground in the fall or see how they do in the pots. Really looking forward to fresh blueberries next year!


This one isn't a container but I just love love love this rosebush! I've planted several this year and they're all doing pretty well but this one is awesome. Most of the others, the flowers drop off after a day or so but these flowers are more than a week old! And I cut a bunch to take to mom just the other day. The ones I took her still look gorgeous in a glass of water after several days and these smell SOOO good. I wish I could just fill my yard with these!


This is so much fun but I can't wait to get an early start next year and put all I've learned from this "experiment" to good use!

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