Sister is getting a new shoulder!
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Sister confused on how to install new speakers.
Comments (1)Thanks anyway the problem has been solved. She found the right connection. thirdfrt!!!...See MoreWhite-shouldered house moths from new furniture
Comments (53)Well, I'm almost afraid to say this but I haven't seen a moth in 2 weeks. Of course I still have my HVAC registers covered with insect screen but I haven't seen any behind the screen either, as I was seeing before. This happy state of affairs could be due to one or more of the following factors: 1. When the pest control guy applied a little bit of spray in about four places (without drilling the walls... heck, he hasn't even called me back about that...what am I paying these people for anyway??), by incredible good luck the spray happened to hit exactly where the larva were (yeah right). 2. My sealing up of every opening I could find from those two walls into the house, was a better job than I thought. 3. The moths are "between flights"; meaning that one generation is finished, and I won't see any more until the next generation of larva pupate into adult fliers. That could take anywhere from 3 weeks to almost a year. About the pheromone traps, when the pest control guys first came out they did try those, although they explained that normally they only work on the smaller moth species such as meal moths, clothes moths, and such. The big brown suckers usually aren't attracted to them. I think they were correct because I had adults flying in the same rooms as the pheromone traps and none went anywhere near them. Mona, how are you doing? Who is winning, Team Mothra or Team Charlotte? (okay I read 'Charlotte's Web' a long time ago but I still don't like spiders much)...See Morenew LO for small kitchen, my sister came up with this one...
Comments (13)hmm... agree regarding the opening frig door and little space between tall things. I am not liking frig/oven next next to each other because: the nearest landing spot is either a sidestepping 30" or a pivot across traffic to the opposite counter carrying hot and heavy items.. Opening the frig means you are opening it in front of the ovens or vice versa.... If the white is the stove area, then I would definitely suggest shortening the wall behind to allow plenty of room for people walking by you and getting into the frig or other "helping" activities. Or could you switch the sink and the cooktop areas? Just not sure about having cooktop and its grease and steam in narrow passage area.... How about moving the oven down one more section and making larger space in between the frig/oven stacks? The oven would be by the table if you needed extra landing space for cooling multiple racks of cookies ... :)...See MoreNew 1 year project quilt started, HoopSisters Sewn Seeds
Comments (15)calverttx, unfortunately, HoopSisters doesn't make their patterns available for sale except to authorized dealers for the first 2 years. After that, you will be able to purchase it. They have some older patterns you can purchase if you see one you like. I did the Feathered Star quilt about 2 years ago....See More- last month
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