Baking for Valentines's Day
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Valentine's Day Plans Anyone?
Comments (20)We never made a big deal about Valentine'a day nor our anniversary. He was usually not home on those days. The first year we were together I sent him roses. He was building a store at Powell & Market in San Francisco. He almost fainted when they were delivered. He really thought there was a mistake. His first wife never did things for him. One year he bought me a crystal heart. As long as his memory was good he always referred to me as his bride (about 23 years). I gave him a surprise birthaday party on his 49th. It turned out that was the first birthday party he had ever had. My "gift" to him was a hard hat. I stenciled "Super Jew" on it. He really got a hoot out of that. I have a picture of him wearing it while building the first house he built for us. His 80+ years old Mother always sent each of us a check on our birthdays. He always told me to take his check and spend it on myself. When he was to select commemorative jewerly for his 25 years with Walgreen's, he selected two diamond pendants for me. I enjoyed using my silver flatware on a daily basis. One Christmas he bought me stainless flatware. He said, I should save the silver for special occasions. I never told him other wise and put the silver away and began using the stainless. When he went the nursing home a counselor asked him what he was proud of, meaning his accomplishments. He looked at me and said, "my bride". It gets no better than that. My favorite picture of us....See MoreHomemade cake mix experiment
Comments (13)Sherrman, thank you for your kind words about my decorating. I really appreciate it! As for the homemade mix, I did not use powdered butter, shortening, or sour cream. Only flour, real butter, baking powder, salt and sugar to which oil, eggs, and water are added. The only ingredient different than a typical cake was the powdered milk. Can I make a cake without a mix? Absolutely. The point of this was having a mix on hand when I need something quick. This makes up three mixes that I can keep in the freezer and make up without a fuss-throw the mix in the kitchenaid bowl along with the oil, eggs and water and mix. No measuring, other than the oil and water. I have two kids and I work so anything I can do to save time is a bonus. Gives me more time to practice my decorating skills :) Rusty, you are welcome! Like you said, I wanted to find a homemade mix because I have several recipes that start with a mix but I hate all the chemicals and the transfats in them....See MoreBake something chocolate for your Valentine!
Comments (4)Who says "Red Velvet Cake" is for Christmas only! Try these for your special one: Red Velvet Cake Balls 1 box red velvet cake mix (cook as directed on box for 13 X 9 cake) 1 can cream cheese frosting (16 oz.) 1 package chocolate bark (regular or white chocolate) wax paper After cake is cooked and cooled completely, crumble into large bowl. Mix thoroughly with 1 can cream cheese frosting. (It may be easier to use fingers to mix together, but be warned it will get messy.) Roll mixture into quarter size balls and lay on cookie sheet. (Should make 45-50. You can get even more if you use a mini ice cream scooper, but I like to hand roll them.) Chill for several hours. (You can speed this up by putting in the freezer.) Melt chocolate in microwave per directions on package. Roll balls in chocolate and lay on wax paper until firm. (Use a spoon to dip and roll in chocolate and then tap off extra.) My cakes tend to crack in the middle so this would works great for me!...See MoreWhat Are You Cooking or Baking?
Comments (37)Jasdip, I had to look up butter tarts! Apparently a Canadian term, perhaps? Looks yummy, that's for sure. Speaking if yummy, weren't you the one who complained about the price of cauliflower a few weeks ago? We all did, as I recall. Anyway, the price is way down now at my stores, with a big head costing about $1.20 each. And the orange variety is around $2.50. I bought a head of the orange to steam tonight.....I'm curious to see if it tastes as different as reported....See More- last month
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fawnridge (Ricky)Original Author