A Second-Hand Xmas In Carpentras,
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Questions Re: use of Xmas lights
Comments (45)Absolute zero for foliage is different for different varieties. Anywhere from 32 to 15 degrees.Consider absolute zero for foliage to be when the leaves freeze to death. Absolute zero or 55.4F pertains to citrus roots. At 55.4F citrus roots cease to function. You are correct WLD is not a serious problem for trees grown outside. However for trees grown indoors in an artificial situation WLD can be a problem as many, many hobbiest can attest. You seem to generally have a good understanding of the problem. When a citrus tree is placed in a cool room and the foliage is directly in front of a southern exposure a problem can occur. Direct sunlight can easily raise the leaf surface 18+ degrees above the ambient air temperature, depending on the duration of time the tree is subjected to these conditions. If the tree's roots are at 55.4F degrees or lower the citrus roots cannot and do not function. They cannot sent the required water up to the foliage for evaporation to cool the leaves. Even at temperatures closely above 55.4F the root's ability is many times insufficient to properly cool the tree. Many times WLD happens after a very sunny day. WLD rarely happens after cloudy days. Stressbaby, your correct in your thinking. The value of the lights for a tree in the situation that I described above is to keep the growing medium's temperature high enough so that the roots can operate. If your greenhouse conditions are such that the temperatures can keep the roots approximately at 64 degrees then you should not need the extra protection that lights can afford. Unless you are only trying to obtain the maxium growth out of your trees all year around. An example an orange tree in Florida might take 10 years from seed to produce fruit, but the same tree in the tropics might only take half the time. BTW nice home and greenhouse. Your an interesting person, I'm glad you joined the citrus forum. Take care. - Millet...See More12/22: Amazing Mahoney's Deal on Xmas Cactus , and Post Xmas Sale
Comments (44)Mindy et al, I got that tall blue pot I had my eye on. It might have been $200 marked down to 40 marked down to TEN DOLLARS. I also got a big metal/copper bucket marked down from at least 150 to $37.50 (I don't think she did the math right. I'll have to check in the morning. I had wanted something like a watering trough near the bees, and this might fill the bill. Or we can use it for logs. That magnificient green pot. I met the nice guy who works the floor. I told him what I wanted to pay for it and without my knowing it he called the ?manager? anyway a woman, and she no way was she going below $160. I think the problem is there was no pink marked down price, so it was 75 % off 699. I really don't want to pay that much because I know I won't move it in freezing weather, and it may break. I'm only willing to risk 100 or less. If anyone can talk them down to $100 or less, I'll take you to LaPatisserie for lunch or Quebrada in Arlington for a cake. Could also do Lakota for a dozen cookies. There's a challenge for the bargainers out there! I'll pay you back in cash and could even meet you at Mahoneys to load and transport pot. Mindy, I saw two "maroonish" pots (one upside down, the other on top) on the pallet, next to the sky blue tall. Are those the ones you are talking about? If there was a salmon pot in the "transition room" I missed it entirely. I'm not looking at your post right this second, but I thought you said it had some branches dispayed it it. I'll look again, maybe when I check to see if the christmas tree is marked down. I wasn't too offended by the look of its branches. But then I had pots on my mind. Marie...See MoreUPDATE: sue's xmas robin 28 players
Comments (42)Well, all I have to say is, HOLY COW Susie!! :)))) My birthday came a few days early, that's for sure! You are so sweet Susie, I can't believe how much you fit in that box, it was stuffed full! And things were wrapped up so pretty, I had so much fun opening everything! And here are the presents that were wrapped: Well, let's see here, I shall attempt to list everything that she sent me: -A book about growing plants indoors, which is just great for me, because I sure do need help with that, lol! Looks like some good info in there! -A very cute windsock -Shower gloves, which look really neat, I've never had them before -tulip and hyacinth bulbs, which I love, and will plant in my yard in the next couple days! -Eggnog flavored coffee! I love eggnog and I love coffee, but I never would've thought to put the two together, lol! I will definately be trying this, I bet it will be quite tasty -A really cute santa soap -Some fruit-scented incense, which smells very nice. I really like incense, so I will enjoy these! -Some doggie biscuits just for my babies! Thank you so much for including them, that means a lot to me. -An eye wear care kit, which comes with some glasses cleaner, (which I definately will use because my glasses are always getting dirty,) some lens cloths, and a tiny screwdriver with several little screws, which is so funny, because one of the screws on my glasses has come loose many times, and I've had to take them in and have the screw replaced and have them tightened. So now I can do it myself, how did you know Susie? -A really cute little green notebook, which I really like because green is my favorite color -A package of foot repair lotion -A light fixture to illuminate paintings and other such things! -A Reese's Peanut Butter Cup scented lip balm, which smells very yummy -Some yummy chocolates, crackers, and licorice candies -Some homemade raisin suet cakes, which I'm so excited about feeding to the birds, they will just love them!!! I was also wondering if I could have your recipe for these? I always buy the storebought suet, and would love to be able to make them myself. A little stocking filled with seeds! A very special little snowman figurine, which is just so cute and I have it sitting on my desk right now. I couldn't seem to get a good photo of it, and this pic doesn't do it justice at all, it's just so cute! -And there were also some delicious little jelly candies, I couldn't quit eating them, lol! Did you make them yourself? -And a very special gift, a cookbook on preserving what I grow. Susie says it has been her bible, and that there's a wealth of info in it. It looks like a really great book, and just what I've been wanting, too. I know I will get a lot of use out of this, thank you so much for passing it on to me! Can't wait to try the recipes out with next year's harvest. I sure hope I have not forgotten anything! I think I've remembered everything, forgive me if I left anything out. There was just so many great things in this box, I was like a kid in a candy store opening all these gifts, LOL! Thank you so much again Susie, you are so wonderful, you have no idea how much you've blessed me with this package. I have really been through a lot lately and have been pretty down, but getting this box from you has really lifted my spirits, to know that someone cares that much to send me all this neat stuff. ~Summer...See MoreFoodie Xmas presents: here are mine, what were yours?
Comments (79)I've loved reading this thread - so many great things. I received a wonderful Masala Dabba from my son and DIL with a spoon for each cup and a large capacity. I'm so happy not to have to search for all the spices used together in Indian dishes. You would understand if you saw how my spices are crammed here and there. Oh to have a whole divided drawer like Cathy's. Max gave me the new Suvir Saran cookbook "American Masala". I've just begun to look at it and I'm looking forward to trying some new to me Indian dishes. From my DIL's parents a fun bag of gourmet food items, sun dried tomatoes, jasmine rice in an airtight glass jar, a box of Gnocchi and much more. And a gift that will go on giving - from my DIL"S brother, a bag of frozen homemade Gnocchi and a LESSON on how to make them. His Gnocchi are really wonderful, I'm so excited about learning to do it from him. He has a handmade board from his Grandfather - I hope that's not his secret to success because I can't get a board like that. I'll take my camera when I go to learn from him. Lee...See More- last monthlast modified: last month
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