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Too much arugula? Ideas?

6 months ago

Wild arugula is my favorite green, but baby arugula is next. I thought I ordered a small box, but apparently I got the large. I usually put it in sandwiches and big handfuls on top of things that get warmed up, like a single dish of pasta or soup.

A box per week is just right, and I'm not sure what to do with double, but it won't keep longer. It's too tender for quiche, too stringy to put whole into bread, or meatballs. I think it would work for a filling for pasta or something, but I don't want to make fiddly stuffed dough, though I suppose I could make and freeze some savory pastries, but I don't know if it would freeze well in something like that. I suppose it would make nice popsicles, but it's sweatshirt weather, finally!

Thoughts? I'd hate to just let it get weird then throw it in the compost.

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