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USPS Annual Food Drive is tomorrow?!!!!

Somehow it slipped from notice this year. We've always participated. This year we've seen no notice, haven't received one with our regular mail, no mention of it anyplace but in checking on line it's active and taking place.

Our carriers used to leave a bag about a week before the event, but not in the last few years. There was a time it was a BIG DEAL and our carrier would have a pickup load of his friends following him on his route, collecting the food with lots of cheers, laughter, noise.

It's been quieter these last several, but I still would like to put out a contribution. I have nothing in my cupboards suitable other than some Costco tuna and not a lot of that. That means a trip to the store. I'd planned to stay home today and concentrate on my neglected yard, gardens :( I just now warned DH, 'you are driving me and dropping me at the door so I can make a super quick trip in and out again with something appropriate for children's lunches'.....

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