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wanted: 5th annual wny plant swap!! - june 1st 2008

16 years ago

Hi everyone!

Well, its that time of year again, time for our 2008 plant swap!

This yearÂs plant swap will be held on Sunday June 1st at 11am. Please remember weÂll be in a different location this year as I moved last summer. I'm now located in Hamlin, NY (still between Rochester and Buffalo). IÂll send my new address via email to people as they RSVP to the swap (please RSVP via email ONLY). For those of you who have attended in years past, I look forward to seeing you all again and I hope you can all make it! And to those of you who are thinking of attending for the first time, weÂre all excited to see new faces and welcome gardeners of all experience levels from beginner to expert!

About the swap: this swap originated on gardenweb in the upstate NY forum. (http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/upstateny/). This will be our 5th year swapping and it always is a nice, fun, and relaxed swap with gardeners of all levels. Our swap has grown to include friends and family of our gardenweb members and this year IÂve also invited members of a newly formed garden-club with my local MOMS club to the swap. As always, anyone is welcome to attend so feel free to invite friends and family members! Just be sure that anyone who wants to attend RSVPÂs through me before the swap!

HereÂs how the swap works for those of you who have not attended previously:

The swap consists of several things, prearranged trades/gifts, the general swap, the pot luck lunch, and an optional Chinese gift exchange (and of course time for socializing with other gardeners). Details for each are belowÂ


DATE: Sunday, June 1, 2008

TIME: 11am

WHERE: Hamlin, NY, my house. Directions and address will be emailed when I receive your RSVP..

WHAT TO EXPECT: The swap will be pretty much the same as years past...we'll have prearranged swaps and the general plant swap first, then a pot luck and a Chinese swap. WHEN YOU SEND ME YOUR RSVP (via email ONLY), PLEASE BE SURE TO INDICATE IF YOUÂLL PARTICIPATE IN THE CHINESE SWAP AS WELL AS WHAT YOU WILL BE BRINGING TO THE POTLUCK!!

The Swap will consist of:

Prearranged trades/gifts: I encourage people who are looking for specific plants, to work out prearranged trades with other attendees. Hopefully most of us have trade lists up on Gardenweb. This is a great way to find plants that you are looking for and/or find homes for plants that you have. IÂve also started a thread about what people are bringing, so that may be a good spot to post about possible trades. Also this is the time for anyone who may have brought a plant with someone specific in mind without wishing anything in return to give their plant to that person.

General Plant Swap: The method of swapping in past years seemed to work well for the general swap so I think I will use that same plan this year. HereÂs how weÂve done itÂas people arrive, they will draw a number from a hat. Once the swap begins, the person with number one will select one plant. Then the person with number two will select a plant, then number three, and so on. Once we are all the way through, we will start over again. As the swap progresses, we will eventually up the number of plants chosen per time (for example, after everyone has had 3 or 4 chances to pick one, weÂll let everyone pick 2 on their next turn, etc.) If you reach a point that you no longer want anything, you may opt out of the trade at that point. Any extras/leftovers will be up for grabs for anyone (and we usually have lots of leftovers!!!)

Optional Chinese Swap: There will also be an optional Chinese swap. In a Chinese swap, everyone brings a wrapped gift of a set value ($10-15 for this swap). Every one participating draws a number out of a hat. Once all the numbers are drawn, number one picks and unwraps a gift. Number two can then either pick a new gift or take number one's gift. If #2 chooses #1's gift, number one gets to pick a new wrapped gift from the table. Next, number three can pick a wrapped gift from the table or #1 or #2's gift, if #3 takes one of the unwrapped gifts, then whoever she took it from takes another wrapped gift and opens it. This continues until the last person goes...who either picks from any of the unwrapped gifts or the last remaining wrapped gift. The basic rule is if someone takes your gift, you can only pick from the wrapped gifts, not from the other unwrapped gifts. I know this sounds confusing, but it is a lot of fun, and very funny!!! If you would like to participate in this, please bring with you a wrapped garden-related gift with a value of $10-$15. (Again, if people think the price limitation is off, please let me know). If you are still confused, let me know, and I will try to explain it better. Also, when you RSVP, let me know if you are going to participate in this so I can be sure we will have enough people for it.

Potluck: There will also be a potluck meal at the swap. I am asking everyone to bring one dish to pass. If you do not like to cook, there are many acceptable alternatives (i.e. soda, chips/dip, plates/napkins, rolls, etc.), please feel free to ask me for suggestions if you can not decide what to bring or can't think of anything. Please also include what you will bring to the potluck with your RSVP , so that I can be sure that we have all areas accounted for and not 20 pasta salads but no drinks or anything else! IÂll be providing hot dogs and hamburgers as usual.

Time to get to know other garden enthusiasts in the area: The best part of the swap is that it gives us all a chance to get to know other garden "nuts" in the area. There will be plenty of time for people to chat and visit. Feel free to bring photos of your garden!

RSVP: If you are planning on attending the swap, you must let me know VIA EMAIL as I will not be posting directions to my home over the internet. I will ONLY email you directions AFTER you RSVP (via email). So please contact me asap with your RSVP so I can ensure you receive directions in time!!!! IMPORTANT: Be sure to include in your rsvp what you are bringing to the pot luck and let me know if you wish to participate in the Chinese swap (both of which are explained previously). I will email directions to my house at that point.

More Details and miscellaneous information:

Who can attend: ANYONE!!! While this swap started on gardenweb, anyone is welcome! Feel free to bring friends, family, and/or kids. We have a playset and sandbox to keep the kids busy as well as plenty of toys and there is plenty of room for them to run about! WeÂre a very laid back group and we welcome gardeners of all experience levels. People new to gardening are always welcome!

What to bring to the swap: Please feel free to bring any plants you would like, of any size. There are no size restrictions (even Winter Sown plants are welcomed!!). Trees and shrubs are also acceptable. Other garden related items are also welcome including garden tools, books, seeds, bird feeders, etc.

How to package your plants: I ask that all plants come in a LABELED container of some kind. It does not have to be a pot, but it should be something that contains the plant and will allow the plant to stay healthy despite exposure to sun. Bareroot plants will not survive the day in the sun at my house! Also, please be sure to label your plants with AS MUCH information as possible. Some things to list: Common name, scientific name, sun/shade exposure, color, care instructions, your name or email (so that people can contact you with questions), etc. Please be sure that your plants are watered before they get here! If you need ideas on how to label or package your plants, let me know!

What else should I bring? I ask that every person attending bring (and wear) their own name tag listing BOTH their gardenweb name (if you are a member) and what they would like to be called by. I'll have plenty of blanks on hand for anyone who needs them. If you can, please bring a folding chair or lawn chair of some sort...I have some, but I'm sure I don't have enough! Anyone with extra folding tables, please bring them along. I have a few, but I am sure I don't have enough. Also, it's a good idea to bring boxes or plastic sheets of some sort to transport you plants home in! I do have a few wagons/garden carts on hand to unload your plants, but with the number of people some times there might be a bit of a wait to use one. Also, hats/sunglasses are a good idea since we always seem to have the swap on a hot/sunny day!

Parking: When you arrive, drive down the driveway to unload your plants. Once you have unloaded your plants, I will give you instructions as to where to park. WeÂll be parking most of the cars along the driveway, but if we need to we can park some on the lawn as well. HOWEVER, DO NOT DRIVE ON THE LAWN unless IÂve instructed you to do so. Our leech field is in the front of the house and I need to make sure no one drives on it. If we run out of parking on the driveway, IÂll instruct people where it is ok to park on the lawn.

Just an FYI: As always, my gardens are a work in progress (especially since this is our first year in the new house!) so please excuse any unfinished projects we have underway! And, just to let you all know, I have two dogs. They are extremely friendly dogs, but they do love to greet new visitors. If you are very afraid of or allergic to dogs, please let me know in advance so that I can anticipate your needs.


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