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Tile or hardwood flooring in living room

Michele V
last year

Hello, I have a dilemma. My 1843 stone farm cottage has a small living room with a very large stone fireplace. To bring the fireplace threshold up to code, I have to extend fireproof tile half way across the floor: the fireplace is not positioned symmetrically into the room so the threshold would be awkward. More, being a working farm, I run in and out constantly as do my dogs with nails. I am told slate is impractical but, I can buy realistic, high quality slate-looking tile. Tile would be infinitely practical due to its hardness/ ease of care. It would also be cheaper than hardwood flooring. I could top tile with a throw rug to make it look softer. Would quality tile increase the value of my property given its a living room or would it have a neutral or negative impact, generally speaking? Thank you.

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