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Grrr. Apple computer update wiped all my notes!!

That's it. I'm done with notes!

I was using notes and had it syncing with my iphone via icloud. Then I got the new computer. So when it synced, it decided the empty notes on my new machine were the right ones and it wiped all the notes off the old one so both were empty!

So then I went to my old machine, painstakingly entered all the essential ones (I tried figuring out how to do it not by hand and gave up.) And I turned off notes from icloud so that it wouldn't happen again.

So last night they put through a big software update. Well, guess what. I guess they decided that my old notes on my iphone were the good ones so they wiped out all the current ones on my machine and replaced it with the outdated ones on my iphone so the latest note I have now is from September last year.

Grrr! I'm done!!

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