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Relocating dwarf mondo grass

When I bought my house some 20 years ago, the previous owners had put some clumps of dwarf mondo grass in between rocks. That has now spread considerably, taking up about 500 sq.ft of yard!

I have a part shade area of my property that butts up to a state road. It's just weed, really, but I still mow it to keep it halfway decent looking. It's only maybe 6' wide (it tapers to less than 2' wide) and 200' long.

Considering that this section gets hit with salt in the winter (from the DOT) and sometimes a snow plow throwing ice, rocks, and God knows what on it... would it be feasible to spray it with Round Up to wipe out the weeds, then next month dig up all of that dwarf mondo grass and transplant it next to the road?

I know that I don't have enough to fully cover the entire 400-1200 sq.ft stretch, but if you think it would survive (or even thrive) then I could make it look nice close to the driveway and then spread it out over time.
