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Natural Immunity vs. vaccines

Tina Marie
2 years ago

For those interested, I have done a bit of reading on this and after today's discussion on another thread (sorry gscience!) I read some more. I'm going to share two links at the end on studies of natural immunity vs. vaccines.

It seems to me it is a pretty big gamble to wait until/if I get sick with C and then build up some natural immunity. I could be seriously ill, die or infect someone else. That has been one of my biggest worries, infecting someone else. When all this started, my 90 year old dad was still living. He had congestive heart failure. My sister and I cared for him until the last few months he went to AL. We were so scared of infecting him.

I'm not downing the CDC, as I do believe there are good scientists and physicians there. However, I'm not sure we, the public, are told everything. I do not look there for C advice. All along I have searched sites and studies by places like Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, etc. We have an excellent teaching hospital here in my area who has an on-going C study. Below are articles on studies (and there are many more, reputable studies - just do your homework) regarding

mRNA vaccine antibodies are more effective than natural immunity.

We have two friends who have died from this and a friends son-in-law spent 90+ days hospitalized, most of it out-of-town. He is in his 40s, no known prior conditions, etc. but he is still suffering effects. He was sick before he was eligible to be vaccinated. I honestly cannot understand how someone with older relatives, friends, co-workers, etc. - people you are in contact with, would not be vaccinated. Just my two cents worth. This is not to start an argument, just to put a little info out there and hoping everyone makes an educated choice.
