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How to style board and batten wall?

3 years ago

We've recently installed this board and batten wall. It does have a picture frame ledge. How do I style it? I've attached a few options as well:

Comments (65)

  • 3 years ago

    i like the black pieces you've added. Not the picture, though -- personally I'd do color there, but if black and white, then I think framed photos or something. Not sure what that black rectangle is. :)

  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Black frames look good. Go with them. May be black lamp shades for more drama :-))

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  • PRO
    3 years ago

  • 3 years ago

    Hi Beth! Your wood shelf is stunning. I'm going to look for something just like it. Love the wood bench and the macrame for the side Wall! 
    My current Rug is 5x8 do I have it placed incorrectly? Please let me know if so.. 
    As for the shelf.. should i be looking for b&w images In a black frame or wood frame? Do I I a few on other side like you showed in your mock up? And I love the pillows. We do have a headboard on its way! But I agree i should get some new pillows!

  • 3 years ago

    Hi Everyone! I was up early this morning throwing a few things together. This is only a we get our wood shelf, and wood bench at the foot of the bed. What do you think? Please excuse the box on the ground it's just to try to flatten the carpet. Please let me know what you think works and doesn't and I will change some things around accordingly.  Thank you!

  • 3 years ago

    Better lighting

  • 3 years ago


  • 3 years ago

    I think it looks much better. For me the framed art or pictures need to be bigger.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Look at your first inspo photo. Try pulling two of the photos out of the corner and move them in --to the corner of the bed/sidetable intersection. I'd probably layer the widest photo on top of the tallest photo edge. Take two photos off - the smallest. Put the plant from your nightstand just outside the other bed corner. See what you think. 🙂

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Seems a bit far from your inspiration picture, which felt calm and simple.

    instead of focussing on ledge consider how you want room to feel overall and that will help with items you choose.

  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Get right scale frames. These ones look skimpy.

  • 3 years ago

    I totally agree with Maureen - lots of us love low contrast rooms ❤ but it's easy to start adding high contrast items and then end up not as happy with the room at the end of the day.. it takes vigilence/discipline to stick with a curated palette

  • 3 years ago

    What is it that's not working? I guess I'm confused and not seeing it the same way

  • 3 years ago

    It depends what you want. In your inspiration pic there are not high contrast colours like black frames and darker pillows. I think both are lovely but if you want it softer ditch the black frames and the front pillow. Stick with creams and whites and soft woods.

  • 3 years ago

    The pillows aren't dark though. They are all cream with just a bit of teal on it. Same with the throw.

  • 3 years ago

    The front pillow has a bold design and appears so be a blue colour? The throw is lovely but if you want the cream neutral colours you don’t want to add the blue in at all. But it’s your room. If you decide you want to add more Tuan creams that’s okay too.

  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I like it. Like the cat too! Bed looks better.

    The pictures for me are a 'meh'. I think you can do better w/accessories once you get the wood shelf.

    look at the examples given and try to copy those. right now it looks too forced. the frames are ok, but the pictures really don't mingle w/each other. one has a lot of white, the other is color, etc.

    maybe it's because they used some books, small pots/plants (you can use faux) to break it up a bit. try this when you get your shelf.

  • 3 years ago

    Beth should i do bigger frames?

  • PRO
    3 years ago

    I don't know that you need bigger. maybe like the last pic? something that size? I think the subjects in the pictures could be better. All four pics don't seem to relate to each other. They have to 'match' somehow.

    But it's the other elements that help balance it.

    see this one? somehow the pictures all 'go together'.

    other examples of pictures that blend together. whether it's the frames, the mats, the subject, the coloring,,,, they have to work together or it looks disjointed

  • 3 years ago

    Cc, I am not Beth but yes, I think bigger would look better and less lost in space so to speak. I say that bc everything is white. In your inspiration photo everything looks more balanced due to more color in the rug and the dark paint on the board and batten. Plus there are many textures and live plants and other things for the eye to see as it moves across the wall.

    You have a lovely room btw.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    It’s never easy accessorizing, as scale, color, and height come in to play.

  • 3 years ago

    So my headboard just came in and I don't think I like it... is it the colour? I think I'm going to return it.. what should i be looking for?

  • 3 years ago

    Can you take a pic from further away.

  • 3 years ago

    Sorry not a great photo

  • 3 years ago

    I think there may be two reasons you are not liking it. One is that it is covering so much of the board and batten. The other is that is curved. Or maybe it is the color.

    I have not read everything here but why not paint a darker color as in your inspiration photo and let that photo guide you? It cold be any deep color you like.

    Personally I would go with a low headboard so you can see the detail of the board and batten.

    Just a few thoughts.

  • 3 years ago

    The inspiration photo has no colour …

  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    that headboard is too ornate against that wainscot. that type of headboard should be by itself against the wall.

    If you didn't have the ledge and your trim went to the ceiling, you could have it.

    You already have a headboard of a sort; the wood.

    If you must get one, then get something low and squared off, no ornate details. Look at the green picture or some of the other beds against the board/batten. (but I don't think you need to waste the money)

    here's one. low and square

    I actually like yours like this, except I'd do larger, stiffer back pillows.

    Like these larger white ones. Use those against the wood and for your headboard

    this is nice too

  • 3 years ago

    Thanks Beth! I'll send an updated photo with some stiffer white pillows later today.. 
    What about the throw blankets? Do yoy think they work or should I do without? And what about my small pillow the one with the pattern. Thanks

  • 3 years ago

    .... 1...2...or 3

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    If using a headboard, suggest low profile and angular.

    In regards to cushions, suggest taking a look on Pinterest. The present arrangement, especially without a headboard, feels off. Compare above vs yours. Hope I’m helping.

    Also consider how bed is made; aim to create a more casual, layered feel. Try turning comforter down and adding a textured blanket on end. Add the bench you were talking about and keep working on how you accessorize wall. You must be frustrated, but will be worth effort when it feels right.

  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    1 is prob the best, but you need some other pillows. look at maureens pictures. she has some good examples.

    I think you need something a tad larger to sit against the wood. they are only for decoration and not for actual use. up to you though.

    I like marueens first pic w/the blush color pillows and how it's styled.

  • 3 years ago

    Okay.. what about this throw?

  • 3 years ago

    This is the same set up you showed earlier up the thread.

  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I like that. looks good. pillows are much better

  • 3 years ago

    And for the frames... can I mix light wood and black picture frames for ledge?

  • 3 years ago

    The throw, pillows, night stand, lamps, all look great.

    Do not focus on the ledge till you get a headboard you love.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Throw is great, but still not a fan of cushions. Some examples to warm it up and go with throw. Note bedding turned down, worth a try.

    Similar to bedding and headboard, consider how you want ledge to feel; sparse or layered. It’s not so much what you use but how. Again recommend looking for examples; search “ledge styling“ on Pinterest.

  • 3 years ago

    I think it looks nice, but unfinished. It is too symmetrical, imo. I think it would be interesting to mix natural wood with the black frames. Also, maybe try putting more pics. on one side and just one with another type of art object on the other side - ie. plant, candle(s) ,vase, sculpture, a mirror like in Maureen’s example….Also, you might try laying the back two pillows flat, horizontally on top of each other ,at the head, and then propping the rest in front like they are now. Your room is really looking inviting and pretty, Cc. I love the ledge and board and batten wall.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Maureen's 3rd photo above is gorgeous, as is your "color scheme" photo of 1/18. As I look at the photos of your room, a few things stand out as not really working (IMHO):

    - The throw blanket is not in enough contrast to the bedspread, and the cream color doesn't work well with the pure white bedspread. I love a mix of neutrals, but they should match in "tone."

    - The black frames seem too harsh, too small, and too far apart in the corners. A variety of wood stained frames in different sizes, placed more like Maureen's photo, would work nicely with your neutral scheme. Consider something like the mirror and vase w/ branches (softness) in that photo to balance the "hardness" of the frames, with varing heights.

    - Your white European shams appear to have a shiny appearance (is that just my computer monitor making them look shiny?), which, to me, detracts from the soft/cozy feel that I think you're going for.

    - More texture in your pillows (not all smooth fabrics) will allow you to use all white if you choose, yet differentiating them for more depth.

    - The black elements in this room just seem wrong to me. Varying shades and textures of whites, grays, tans, even greyish-blues or gray-ish greens along with wood tones would be very cozy and comfy feeling.

    I love the board and batten! But I would harmonize its "cottagey" look with the rest of the room. Just my opinion; everyone has their own tastes!

  • PRO
    3 years ago

    love Maureens pic. This is it! everything looks great.

  • 3 years ago

    Okay.. out with the old throw.. how about this one?

  • 3 years ago

    Okay... a few changes with bedding

  • 3 years ago

    I think that you should fold down the comforter and then place your pillows on the sheets. As for a blanket at the foot of the bed I would go with something other than white. You need a bit of contrast.

    Maybe for the pillows that go against the board and batten you can go a bit darker than white so it will pop a bit. I do not mean bold colors, but variations and texture.

    I love so many of the example photos shown here.

  • 3 years ago

    Bedding one or bedding two

  • 3 years ago

    Hands down number 1! I like that it has texture and just enough contrast to make your wall and everything else pop a bit more.

    Your room looks very cozy!

  • 3 years ago

    To me, the tucking on the comforter is distracting. You’ve got two geometrics of the same scale (diamond and squares.) Just a thought. I think the pic that Maureen and Beth posted is just right.

  • 3 years ago

    2pups4me do you mean the sides how they drape down??

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    No. I think you need a more plain weave for your comforter. It appears to have tucking, which makes it look like a diamond pattern.

    Look at the pic. Do you see the diamond pattern?

  • 3 years ago

    I think it needs to hang over the end of the bed and you need something at the end of the bed like a bench

  • 3 years ago

    I will update you all when i get my wood shelf & bench ὠD