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Rustic + Traditional + Modern = Fun Eclectic Combo, or a Mess?

3 years ago

Hey Houzzers!

My parents finally purchased a home of their own, and I've been tasked with helping them decorate the place. Thankfully, it's mostly a blank canvas. Hoping to get some help from you wonderful folks, because I'm already overwhelmed and at a loss.

Firstly, there's the fact that the home is in a mountain town and has a generally pretty rustic feel about it. The problem is, mom dislikes anything rustic... and is willing to compromise on adding some rustic elements only if her favorite feminine/curvy/antique pieces are incorporated. She also likes some more modern style pieces (her favorite chandelier style at the moment is the sputnik, for instance).

Secondly, there's this one sofa in particular that she loves, that I'm just stuck trying to design around... particularly because of the rustic feel of the place. I'll post a photo of that in the comments.

I'll attach some photos of the living room here... keep in mind that these are from the listing and the place is currently completely empty. No furniture in these interior photos should be taken into consideration, none of it is staying/none of it was ours.

Another point: This home will be getting fully repainted. Mom likes beige. Definitely light colored paint with minimal contrast. I'm pretty sure they want the entire home painted the same color, as well. Right now, I'm looking at SW Shoji White because of how light and neutral it looks (ceiling and walls both).

Any advice/thoughts/ideas on how to create a combination of the styles mentioned, help finding ideas for styles that will work, help with furniture layout (I'll post the layout of the home in comments as well), and also helping me make a final decision for paint, would be very much appreciated.

I'll see if I can keep this thread going as a diary of sorts, updating it with the progress we make and as we start furnishing it (with your help, hopefully :)).

Thank you all in advance!! <3

As promised, photos of the living room, as this is where we are starting (again, disregard all furniture and wall colors, will be repainted)...

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