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Kordes Florentina rose in hot climate

Hi! Does anyone grow Florentina rose successfully in hot climate? When I said successfully, I mean does it bloom well? I read somewhere that this rose may need winter chill to bloom?

I bought 2 Florentina roses in 3 gallon pots last Fall 2020 and they haven't given me a single bloom this year. They do grow but not vigorously. In fact, they grow long skinny canes with no laterals (see pic #1 and #2 below). Recently, I saw Florentina at Lowes in 1-gal pot (pic #3) and bought a couple, which means now I have 4 Florentina (!). I live in TX (zone 9B) with no winter chill obviously, so I was just wondering if there is anyone who grow this rose in warm/hot climate and get them to bloom. I adore this rose, but I don't want to keep 4 of same rose if they won't bloom well here.

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