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Links to hardy roses in cold zones & best roses for hot & dry climate?

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

We have both hot summer (up to 100) and cold winter (-20 below zero) in my zone 5a. I like Austin roses for both winter survival and vigorous roots for hot summer. Plus hybrid-tea with less petals tend to become double-petal, flat-out in hot summer.

elks(US5 Can6) I give a link to a webpage that gives cane-hardiness reports of gardens from Minnesota and Indianna to Quebec and Maine, but we could probably give more specific information. Steve elks(US5 Can6)

Here is a link that might be useful: The Articles Page

*** From Straw: From that link, I really like this report from zone 4b, with compost & leaves as winter-protection. THANK YOU, Steve, for providing us that link !!

From the above link, royal Amethyst was dead even with winter-protection. Reine des violettes dead in zone 5 winter. Mount Bratten (floribunda) with poor survival.

I wish I had seen the above !! I also lost Marie Daly, Paul Neyron, Jude the Obscure through the winter. The person also reported Rouge Royal dead, Blossomtime and Westerland as poor winter-survival.

The above link shows excellent survival of Austin roses. But 2 people reported The Pilgrim as poor-winter-survival & stingy-bloomer.

The above link is from a zone 4b person in Minnesota, covered with woodchips

Also Cynthia, or nippstress in zone 5b Nebraska gave a long list of how floribundas survive her winter. THANK YOU, Cynthia, for your time helping us cold-zoners !!

Cynthia gave this list of ranking of hardiness for hybrid teas with her experience of 700+ roses, zone 5b:

Below is a bouquet of roses that survived many winters. I killed the dark-red Mirandy .. my kid didn't like the thorns, plus I prefer Munstead Wood. Firefighter died after a few winters. My dilemma now is: should I get again as own-root & protect it well, or should I get Firefighter as grafted?

Firefighter was awesome as own-root, giving 80+ blooms for its first year as gallon-size own-root. Second year was a continuous bloomer. My fault that I didn't winter-protect it. What's your experience with Firefighter as grafted? Thanks.

A few warm-climate folks reported that Firefighter could not take full-sun ... I have a hunch that roses which are heavy-bloomers (Pink Peace, Firefighter) are best grafted on vigorous rootstock to keep up with their pumping out blooms constantly. Pink peace as own-root didn't survive my winter, but Pink-Peace (grafted on Dr.Huey) easily survived winter. Pink Peace is a heavy producer like Firefighter with 50+ blooms per year in partial shade.

Comments (30)

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    For hot & dry over 100 F, alternate with rain & humid climate, Brittie in Texas with black & heavy gumbo clay gave excellent info. Many thanks to Brittie for taking the time to document her roses in hot Texas:

    She wrote in her HMF profile: " We live in the Houston, TX area (La Porte) and my garden is located within walking distance from the bay. Our climate is humid sub-tropical with an extremely long growing season of about 300 or more days and an average of 50 inches of rain per year. Average temps in January range from 40 to 60, while during "Summer" we have six months or more of days above 80 degrees (80 is usually the low temp during June, July, August and September). Our soil is clay gumbo and grows some REALLY big roses.

    Performing best in my climate are generally the antiques, teas and chinas in particular.
    They bloom through the winter and sleep during the heat of summer for the most part, though Rock Hill Peach Tea and Trinity don't miss a beat. I've also killed 2 Star of the Niles, 3 Lady Emma Hamiltons and 3 Just Joeys. Lord give me strength not to try them again because they just can't take the heat!"
    Brittie near Houston, TX.

    Her best roses in the heat are Veteran's Honor, Pope John Paul (very fragrant, low-thorn), and Archduke Charles. Brittie gave the best desc. and pics. of chili thrips in her HMF journa, see below link for Brittie's pics. of chili-thrips:

    Britte wrote the below on chili thrips: " Hot Cocoa, Fire n Ice, Barbara Bush and Grande Dame are particularly happy. They're all pretty tall roses (5ft+) in my garden ... so I don't think they mind.

    I live in the Houston area, and in mid(ish) September we had a mild cool front, whose winds dropped temps down into the 80s. Yay! Only not so much because it brought on the feeding frenzy again. I started seeing damage again and had to remove it, lest the chilli thrips population grow to ridiculous levels.

    As far as the actual damage goes, I noticed several things about it, some that you can't photograph. First you see the twisted, deformed and smallish leaves on new growth. Look at the underside and you'll see heavy brown streaks, especially on the worst damaged leaves. Flowers come out deformed, sometimes with the petals looking a bit spikey, like a dahlia in appearance. Color is paler, even whitish, I would say, and those that are usually scented will lose most of their normal smell.

    Dick Clark, who is normally a red and yellow flower, which fades to pink and white, was actually blooming almost completely white with a few pink streaks. Leveson Gower who is normally a medium pink, and Miss Atwood is is normally an apricot, were both blooming very, very pale and neither had any scent. " Brittie on chili-thrips.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    The above cold-zone 5, is acidic soil, thus roses that like it acidic (Reine de Violette) has excellent winter-survival. But roses that like it alkaline (Rouge Royal) has poor winter-survival. Soil pH, mulch above to keep moist and how fast-drainage the hole is determine winter-survival.

    Marcia wrote in the above link " Rouge Royale, Fair Bianca and Mrs. John Laing were own root babies planted in summer ’02 and were never very vigorous."

    In contrast, Romanticas Meilland roses are very vigorous as own-root in my alkaline clay, Liv Tyler survived the 1st winter, but died next winter since I didn't cover the crown, same with Frederic Mistral (survived 2 winters), then roots got dry out since I didn't winter-protect it, same with Firefighter (survived 2 winters). I didn't winter protect own-root Firefighter so I lost it.

    Own-roots if winter-protected well, can last for more than 10 years, with healthier growth than grafted. Re-post from the other thread:

    I found a link to a zone 3a public garden in Minnesota in HMF. The below zone 3a garden has 179 varieties.

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    What is brilliant about both of these pubs is that they define hardiness with specifics. David has a number of other, scientific rose pubs for anyone interested in where rose science is today. The Rosa x hybrida paper in the google scholar search below is one of the finest review papers available at present. Here is a link that might be useful: Google: scholar: Zlesak and Roses
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    Al: Gorgeous garden, what are the yellow roses in your pics? Also what type of soil do you have: loamy, sandy, or clay? What's the lowest layer of your soil? Thank you. I try to UP my winter-survival, lost many roses in poor-drainage clay. At first I felt bad, but many street trees here (N. Aurora) also died through freezing rain & poor drainage clay in my area. Now I spend at least 1 hour digging a hole, after testing for drainage by dumping a 5-gallon bucket of water. I have rock-hard clay above, with yellowish rocks & sticky & hard clay below that water can't drain fast enough for our heavy rain. Small comfort: Here in alkaline clay I have very little blackspots & no spray compared to my last garden of acidic clay in Glen Ellyn.
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  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Enchantedrose, in cold-zone CT reported that Buck Folksinger is very hardy & healthy. Also Kordes roses South Africa & Fairy-tale series are hardy for her. Another person reported that Golden Fairy tale is hardy in zone 4b.

    Re-post the info. Floweraremusic zone 5 gave me on own-roots roses that survive winter easily in her heavy clay & drier zone 5a:

    Floweraremusic in zone 5 wrote: these are my hardiest own roots -

    Canadians Morden Sunset & Morden Blush & Morden Centennial &
    John Davis - all 4 faithfully survive winters, bloom well planted at base of tall pines.

    Wm. Baffin - almost total shade, complete neglect, pruned back every year. 12' tall.

    John Cabot - complete neglect, hard pruned every year, huge 10'x8'.

    Ispahan & Yolande d' Aragon - total neglect, yet survives. .

    Magna Charta & Celestial & Charles de Mills & Errinerung an Brod

    Mrs. John Laing & Ghislaine de Feligonde

    Apothecary's Rose - completely forgotten under an overgrown flowering almond for years, complete shade. & Rugosas - exceptionally hardy.

    Darlow's Enigma - can't kill this monster. Hacked to ground, kind of hoping it wouldn't come back - it did. One planted at base of tall pine actually does better than the other one in better conditions.

    Rhapsody in Blue & Colette & Rosarium Uetersen & Classic Woman

    Outta the Blue & Ballerina & The Fairy

    These are the hardiest, but no roses lost to winter kill since I started mulching. Floweraremusic zone 5.

    *** From Straw: THANK YOU, Floweraremusic for that list, I see French Meilland roses: Colette & Classic Woman, which do very well in heavy clay.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    For Austin roses as own-roots, the following are very small & wimpy and more likely to die in zone 5 and below: Jude the Oscure (4 died on me), Eglantyne (2 died on me), Jubilee Celebration (slow & hard to grow for warm-zoners, died in a cold-zone), Princess Alexandra of Kent (died in zone 5b), and Lady Emma Hamilton (died for many as own-root, and wimpy as grafted).

    For own-roots the lavender ones are not winter-hardy: both Heirloom and Angel face died as own-roots for my zone 5a. Grafted Angel Face barely survive winter in zone 5a. Digging deep down to 2 feet really help with winter-survival (better drainage), plus cover with mulch (leaves & bark) up to 6 inch. to keep moist.

    W.S. 2000 as own-root is very hardy in my zone 5a, but small & compact. That was only 8 inch. tall as 1st year own-root, but survived 5 winters. The first winter I took a large plastic pot (bottom cut-off) and put that around the tiny rose, then filled with soil, and add leaves on top. Best with 6 inch of coverage above.

    How to make roses hardier: dig a large hole (2' wide x 2' deep) for good drainage so roots don't crack in freezing ice & make soil loamy & fluffy with organic matter, and cover well up to 6" mulch so roots don't dry out.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Khalid compiled a fantastic rating of roses in his extremely hot climate up to 110 F in Pakistan. Most of his roses are grafted on Centifolia root-stock, which is drought-tolerant. Old-garden and Austin roses that perform well in my extreme cold zone 5a, also do well in Khalid's extreme heat. Re-post the 3 categories that Khalid wrote:

    Crown Princess Margareta, William Morris, Glamis Castle, The McCartney Rose, Paul Neyron, Rose de Rescht, The Dark Lady, St. Swithun, Alan Titchmarsh, Graham Thomas, Golden Celebration, Iceberg, Burgundy Iceberg, Casino, Ebb Tide, St Ethelburga, Westerland, Blue for You, (please note that most of the roses are DA / OGRs)

    The Prince, Chartreuse de Parme, Jubilee Celebration, Pat Austin, Gruss an Teplitz, Lady Emma Hamilton, Tradescant, Princess Alexandra of Kent, Doris Tysterman, Winchester Cathedral, L.D.Braithwiate, Julia Child, Fragrant Cloud, Violette Parfumee, Bronze Star, Shocking Blue, Rhapsody in Blue, Gold Medal, Fredrick Mistral, Mirandy, The Alnwick Rose, Jude the Obscure, Just Joey, Tom Brown, La France, Oklahoma, Black Prince, Scentimental, Belley Epoque, Augusta Luise, Hafiz Zaman, Parveen Shakir, Tipu Sultan, Secret, Liv Tyler, Crimson Glory, Papa Meilland, French Lace, Maurice Utrillo, Fourth of July, Evelyn May, Alexander, Gentle Hermione, Graaf Lennart, (a mix of DA, Hybrid Tea, Floribunda)

    Gertrude Jekyll, Benjamin Britten, Sharifa Asma, Teasing Georgia, Double Delight, Troika, The Painter, Sheila's Perfume, Mary Rose, Condisa de Sastago, Pink Perfume, Bajazzo, Signature, Maria Shriver, Chippendale, Rouge Royale, Papi Delbard, Alec's Red, Heritage, Charlotte, Spirit of Freedom, Jasmina, Abracadabra, Black Bacara, Fragrant Charm, Deep Secret, Michelangelo, Fragrant Plum, Nahema, Golden Showers ... mostly hybrid teas. Khalid in Islamabad, Pakistan at above 110 F. heat.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    From Rose forum, posted June 15, 2014 for own-roots survival in zone 5b. She also posted a long-list of grafted-hybrid survival in below link


    Own roots that did NOT survive: Raspberry Cream Twirl Climber (really surprising since it had almost no winter die back the previous year)
    Nicola Parade mini & Promise & Natasha Monet

    OWN-ROOTS that made it :)

    Denali (weak) & Steppin' Out (weak)
    Memoriam, Pope John Paul II, Candyland, mini pink Kordana
    Baby Paradise, Cupcake, Cafe Ole, Green/White Victory grocery store
    Lagerfeld, Peppermint Parfait, Hot pink kordana mini
    multiple pink grocery store minis, Vulcano Kordana mini, Smile Kordana mini
    Irish Cream (tiny band),
    Rainbow (weak), Grimaldi, Henri Matisse, Dick Clark, Julio Iglesias (weak), Headliner, Pop Warner, Harry Wheatcroft (weak), Michelangelo the Painter, Strawberry Ice, Mexicana (weak), Gene Boerner (weak).

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Agree with what Nipptress (Cynthia) stated in Rose forum about winter-protection for her zone 5b, Nebraska: "I've killed more roses over the winter from canker damage with moisture than have died naturally from winter cold. " Cynthia.

    *** From Straw: leaves, if NOT composted is quite acidic, and will cause black canker if cover roses with. I used alkaline horse manure or alkaline bagged soil to winter-protect my roses, no black canker from acidity. My neighbor used fresh wood-chips to winterize her hybrid teas with excellent result.

    However, some roses are just weak, see below old thread, band means it's a small own-root bought that year.

    mexicanhat(6a/Sub Rosa)August 7, 2008

    Died, I don't winter protect so the weak die over winter:

    Freckles (band), Lady Moss band, WM Shakespeare 2000 (grafted), Suprise Suprise ( band), Graham Thomas (band), Leading Lady (mini), Magenta Mystique (mini), Overnight Scensation (band), Madame Alfred (failed to thrive)
    Ink Spots (died over winter)

    SP'd (or killed) Compte de Chambord (grafted) & Hot Cocoa ($$ grafted, failed to thrive)

    Own roots - giving away: Rainbows End Cl., Brides Dream, Overnight Scensation mini, De La Griffaerie, Veterans Honor, Molineaux.

    Cheap grafted - giving away from the pot ghetto or tossing: Fair Bianca,

    Gold Medal, Pink Peace, Royal Highness, Angel Face (cheap, virused)

    The Fairy (failing to thrive), Graham Thomas (gangly bush)

    Abe Darby (expensive grafted, I like own root bush better), Chicago Peace (cheap, virused, Peace (cheap, virused), Altissimo (expensive, likely virused).

    mexicanhat(6a/Sub Rosa)August 7, 2008

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    karl_bapst_rosenut(5a, NW Indiana) I don't wrap the canes as they usually grow back each year from the base. Because modern roses bloom on new wood, I don't really care if my hybrid teas die back severely. The important thing is they survive the winter and are blooming by late May/early June.
    They must get well rooted though. Planted too late in the year, they don't get established well enough and seldom well survive the first winter
    . Karl on April 19, 2011 at 11:09PM

    *** From Straw: karl has loamy soil, so winter-survival is better & less freezing ice at root-level like my slow-draining heavy clay.

    Found this thread in Rose forum on the most hardy hybrid-teas for cold-zoners. If I had known how pretty & fragrant Honey Sweet, would had ordered it before.

    From above link, hardy hybrid teas (grafted) in zone 4a are: Olympiad, Beloved, Memorial Day, Pink Peace, Aunt Honey, Buck Winter Sunset, Quietness.

    Other hardy HT's in zone 5b: China town, Sunsprite, Touch of Class, Royal Highness, Elina, Fame, Honeysweet (fragrant & great color), Folklore, Double Delight, Garden Party, Pristine, Jadis (Fragrant Memory), Mother of Pearl, Elle (Meilland & heat-resistant), Fragrant Lace (rare), Stairway to Heaven, Red Gold, Acapella, President Vignet, Don Juan climber, Abe. Darby, Moonstone, Chicago Peace, Veteran's Honor. Mr. Lincoln, Olympiad, Eutin.

    Hardy HT's for zone 4b: Capt. Harry Stebbings, Double Delight, Secret, Elle, Campfire.

    Hardy hybrid teas as grafted on Dr. Huey for zone 5a, buried 6" below for Karl Bapst: DD, Happy Butt, Firefighter, Whisper, Memorial Day, Buck roses: Serendipity, Les Sjulia, Honeysweet.

    *** From Straw: for my zone 5a with heavy clay and OWN-ROOT: Crimson glory, Mirandy are very hardy and survived many winters, I killed them since I don't like the blooms and the roots are quite large. Stephen Big Purple is also hardy, Frederic Mistral lived for many years but need winter-protection (roots are big but dry out fast), same with Liv Tyler.

    In my last house of acidic clay for grafted-on-Dr.Huey: Angel face didn't survive winter, Peace and other yellows were weak, but Queen Elizabeth and Tropicana were most vigorous.

    For the nearby zone 5a rose park in alkaline clay & grafted: Gene Boerner, Singing in the Rain, Cherry Parfait, Easter Basket, Johanna Strauss, Betty White, Traviata, Julia Child, Chrysler Imperial, Honey Perfume. Their Austin roses last 2 to 3 years max as grafted. Chicago Peace and Double Delight survived more than 5 years.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Most Austins are hardy, except for Graham Thomas (grafted) which died for many. Graham Thomas does well with sandy/loamy soil and can't take frozen clay. Molineux is a bit tender for folks, and Jubilee Celebration is very tiny as own-root. One person in warm zone reported J.C. as own-root only 1' x 1'.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    canadian_rose(zone 3a) with roses grafted on multiflora:

    At my old house, I winter protected my hybrid tea roses and planted them 6" deep. Some survived some didn't. These were my most winter hardy of the ones I planted:

    1. Elizabeth Taylor - I love this rose - tons of flowers, classic hybrid tea flower

    2. Chrysler Imperial - more die back than ET, but it survived

    3. Honey Perfume - did very well - floribunda

    4. About Face - grandiflora

    5. Many, many English Roses

    Carol April 27, 2010 at 10:08PM

    *** Also Krista, zone 5a, listed all her over 100+ roses in her HomePage such as Hybrid Musks: Bubble Bath Daphne Felicia Lavender Lassie

    Antique Hybrid Teas: Georg Arends Lady Ursula La France Radiance Reichsprasident von Hindenburg

    Hybrid Teas: April in Paris Beautiful Dreamer Beverly Clouds of Glory Falling in Love
    Fragrant Memory Frederic Mistral New Zealand Perfume Delight Pink Promise
    Pretty Lady Rose Queen Elizabeth Sheer Bliss Soft Whisper Sugar Plum Sweet Afton

    Floribunda: Iceberg Rugosa: Purple Pavement

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I started this thread with roses best for extreme cold and roses best for high heat (like Khalid's climate of 110 F) ... I notice roses that can stand extreme heat for Khalid's climate also fare well in my extreme cold winter. Here's Lynn from hot & dry Nevada climate ... I notice many of her roses are sold or grown in my zone 5a.

    Desertgarden-Las Vegas, Z9a

    I refer to Cl. America as "screaming America". My husband selected it. I find the color difficult to work with. I actually have two and both have blooms (smaller), right now. I will always have an iceberg either in bush or climbing form. Of my 170- 200 roses, 3 are yellow ( Golden Celebration, South Africa and Lady Hillingdon).

    Listed below are a few modern roses that I have grown, and found to perform well in my hot dry climate. ( The majority were grafted on Dr. Huey.. planted ideally in January.. although a handful were 1 gallon own root planted .. at the latest, by February).

    Reds: Veteran's Honor, Crimson Bouquet Mr. Lincoln, Chrysler Imperial, Oklahoma, Europeana, Black Magic, Taboo, Firefighter

    White: Iceberg, Bolero, Pure Perfume, Pope John Paul II, Honor, Snowbird

    Pink: Perfume Delight , Marijke Koopman, Tiffany, Bewitched, Pink Peace (drawing a blank)

    Mauve/Lavender: Angel Face, Sterling Silver, Neptune, Paradise, Heirloom

    Orange/ Orange Blend: Folklore, Outrageous, Easy Does It, Voodoo

    Others: Double Delight, Princess de Monaco, Love, Gemini, Altissimo, Don Juan, Cl. America, Brandy, Just Joey, Easy Going, First Prize, Artistry, Color Magic, South Africa, All American Beauty, Mardi Gras, Peace, Scentimental, Twilight Zone. Desertgarden-Las Vegas, Z9a

    She also listed her teas and chinas which are NOT hardy in cold zone, but thrive in dry heat: SGMC... Very heat tolerant Georgetown Tea Mme. Antoine Mari Mrs. B.R. Cant Le Vesuve Belinda's Dream... Requires a little more water than most and SDLM.

    Natchotoches Noisette is going into the compost bin.

    Would add: Hermosa Archduke Charles Cramoisi Superiere Maman Cochet

    mustbnuts zone 9 sunset 9 After a week of 109--113, we are supposed to cool off to the low 100's. Roses are still pumping out blooms. Pretty Jessica, Blue for You, Eyes for You, Peppermint Parfait, Occhi di Fata, Candice, Wedding Cake (those blooms last forever on the bush) and Midnight Blue.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    the_morden_man((Z4-Z5) Ontario, Canada)

    Here are the hardiest HT's and Floribunda's I have grown:

    Hybrid Teas

    Blue Moon
    Dainty Bess
    Double Delight
    Ingrid Bergman
    Maria Stern
    Queen Elizabeth


    Arthur Bell
    Purple Heart
    International Herald Tribune
    Ebb Tide
    Iceberg (really a Hybrid Musk)
    The Polyantha rose "Baby Faurax" is also surprisingly cane hardy & also Fairy.

    AnneCecilia z5 MI(5a)

    Here's my list of Hybrid Teas and Floribundas (and I have included Grandifloras as well) that I have had 3 or more winters experience with and would highly recommend for my zone (4)

    Chief Seattle, HT

    Double Delight, HT

    Grace Note, HT (Buck)

    Hannah Gordon, F (This was sold to me under the name Tabris)

    Hi, Neighbor, Gr (Buck)

    Iobelle, HT (Buck)

    Joey's Palace, F

    Les Sjulin, Gr (Buck)

    Mirandy, HT

    Mon Cheri, HT AnneCecilia z5 MI(5a)

    onewheeler(Z5 N.S.)

    I can tell you though the roses that I found most hardy in my no spray gardens over the years......My most favorite is Viking Queen. Ramblin Red is a close second. Felix Leclerc, Jacques Cartier, John Cabot, Tradescant, James Galaway, New Dawn, Sidione, Charlotte onewheeler(Z5 N.S.)

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    ratdogheads(5b NH)

    I'll add Moondance & Scentimental

    Also, here are some that are not in my garden but I've personally see these as mature robust plants growing in nearby gardens, :
    Chrysler Imperial
    Day Breaker
    Diamond Jubilee
    Heart O' Gold
    Rouge Royal
    Sugar Moon
    Margaret Merrill
    Julia Child
    Betty Boop
    Drop Dead Red
    Easy Going
    White Licorice
    Lilli Marleen
    About Face
    Macy's Pride ratdogheads(5b NH)

    nippstress - zone 5 Nebraska

    Here are some cane-hardy climbers for me in zone 5a, with some indication of color and how stiff they are when mature. You'll want to check them out on

    Aloha - one of the more traditional "rose" blooms, pink, stiff canes
    Mme. Caroline Testout, cl. - fluffy pink blooms, stiff canes
    Harlekin - white with pink edges, stiff canes
    Polka - apricot fluffy blooms, stiff canes
    Quadra, Illusion, Ramblin' Red: all dark reddish pink unkillable thorny stiff canes - will survive much colder than our zones
    Eden - lovely double white/pink blush with stiff canes, hardy once established but can be finicky to get started
    Teasing Georgia, Golden Celebration - light to medium yellow double blooms, OK flexible canes
    Petal Pushers, Gartendirektor Otto LInne - small double pink pompoms that drape nicely over a fence
    Nahema, Compassion, Blossomtime - all double pink fluffy blooms reasonably flexible canes
    Purple Splash - dark pinkish purple and white, semi-double but makes a nice impact
    Fourth of July, Joseph's Coat - unusual color blends, bright, semi-double, reasonably flexible
    Westerland, Autumn Sunset - semi-double yellow to orange, flexible, not too tall
    Awakening - double light pink small blooms, tough as nails and flexible
    Darlow's Enigma - single white flowers that bloom without stop even in shade, is a large bush in my yard but could be trained along a fence

    Cynthia nippstress - zone 5 Nebraska

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Mauve roses are sensitive to cold weather, but Lagerfeld is cane-hardy as own-root for Cynthia in zone 5.

    Here are some links to gardens (both public and private) in zone 5 and colder in HMF, which list the names of hardy roses grown:

    zone 3a Botanical garden in Canada with 231 roses:

    zone 4a in Quebec with 168 roses:

    zone 4a garden in Canada with 42 roses:

    zone 4a Mark's garden in Minnesota with 189 roses:

    zone 4b Botanical Garden, Quebec, Canada with 656 roses:

    zone 4b garden with 250 roses in Moscow:

    zone 4b garden in Hungary with 283 roses:

    zone 5a garden in New York with 58 roses:

    zone 5a Dave & Deb Boyd's garden in Montana (grafted on Dr. Huey) with 122:

    zone 5b Chicago Botanical garden with 217 roses:

    zone 5a Denver Botanical garden in Colorado with 410 roses:

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I was searching for the hardiness of very fragrant climbing E. de Hollande as own-root, and found this list by the late Karl Bapst, zone 5a. Karl: although you passed away few years ago, you left many wonderful resources to help cold-zoners. THANK YOU.

    karl_bapst_rosenut(5a, NW Indiana)

    I'm in zone 5 NW Indiana.
    I grow mostly all shrub roses plus a few hybrid teas and climbers. Mine all survive our winters with minimal protection, just oak leaves. Many do require severe pruning but all are blooming by late May/early June.
    The hybrid Rugosas are extremly hardy. Following is a list you can chose from that I've had for a number of years. The hybrid teas listed have proven hardy in my garden.
    All are own root.

    Polar Joy-tree rose
    Pat Austin-David Austin
    Jessica Lauren-hybrid rugosa
    Molineux-David Austin
    Marie Pavie-polyantha
    Buffalo Gal-hubrid rugosa
    Double Delight-hybrid tea
    Frau Dagmar Hastrup-hybrid rugosa
    Country Music-Griffith Buck shrub
    James Galway-David Austin
    Country Dancer-Griffith Buck shrub
    Pink Simplicity-Floribunda
    Charles Albanel-Canadian Explorer
    Permanent Wave-floribunda
    Prairie Star-Griffith Buck shrub
    Aunt Honey-Griffith Buck shrub
    Bugle Boy-floribunda
    Women in The Military-shrub
    Neue Revue-hybrid tea
    Gentle Giant-hybrid tea
    Autumn Dusk-Griffith Buck shrub
    Cape Diamond-shrub
    Prairie Sunset-Griffith Buck shrub
    George Burns-floribunda
    White Simplicity-shrub
    Hot Cocoa-floribunda
    Carolina Moon-hybrid tea
    Our Lady of Guadalupe-floribunda
    Pope John Paul II-hybrid tea
    Abbys Angel-miniflora
    Crystal Fairy-polyantha
    Autumn sunset-climber
    Touch of Class-hybrid tea
    Dream Come True-grandiflora
    Summer Snow-shrub
    Betty Boop-floribunda
    Gene Boerner-floribunda
    Gold Badge-floribunda
    Happy Butt-hybrid tea
    Silver Shadow-Griffith Buck shrub
    Paul Neyron-hybrid perpetual
    Hot Princess-hybrid tea
    Butterfly Kisses-floribunda
    Captain Samuel Holland-Canadian Explorer
    Lambert Closse-Canadian Explorer
    Stadt Den Helder-floribunda
    Schloss Balthazar-floribunda
    Robusta-hybrid rugosa
    Malaguena-Griffith Buck shrub
    Taboo-hybrid tea
    Nostalgie-hybrid tea
    Ebb Tide-floribunda
    Prairie Sunset-Griffith Buck shrub
    Carefree Celebration-shrub
    Dublin-hybrid tea
    Winter Sunset-Griffith Buck shrub
    Fimbriata-hybrid rugosa
    La Reine Victoria-Bourbon
    Garden Party-hybrid tea
    Proud Land-htbrid tea
    Louise Odier-Bourbon
    Lancome-hybrid tea
    Rhapsody in Blue-shrub
    Barbra Streisand-hybrid tea
    Mojave-hybrid tea
    Falling in Love-hybrid tea
    Dr. Bill Chapman-hybrid tea
    Love and Peace-hybrid tea
    The Oregonian-hybrid tea
    Frederic Mistral-hybrid tea
    Lemon Spice-hybrid tea
    Sunset Celebration-hybrid tea
    Queen Nefertiti- David Austin shrub
    Ulmer Munster-shrub
    Ballerina-hybrid musk
    William Baffin-Canadian Explorer
    Roseraie de LÂHay-hybrid rugosa
    Rose de Rescht-Portland
    Blanc Double de Colbert-hybrid rugosa
    White Meidiland-shrub
    Sunny Knock Out-shrub
    Knock Out-shrub
    Starry Night-shrub
    Rockin Robin-shrub
    Fourth of July-climber
    Rainbow Knock Out-shrub
    Home Run-shrub
    Firefighter-hybrid tea
    Honeysweet-Griffith Buck shrub
    Blushing Pink Knock Out-shrub
    Earthsong-Griffith Buck grandiflora
    Othello-David Austin shrub
    Robin Hood-hybrid musk
    Royal Edward-Canadian Explorer
    KathyÂs Find-shrub
    JenÂs Munk-Canadian explorer
    Carefree Sunshine-shrub
    Morden Snowbeauty-shrub
    Garden Party-hybrid tea
    Stanwell Perpetual- Hybrid Spinosissima.
    Topaz Jewel-hybrid rugosa
    Minette- Alba, Centifolia
    Tradescant-David Austin shrub
    F J Grootendorst-hybrid rugosa
    Folk singer-Griffith Buck shrub
    Winnepeg Parks-Canadian Parkland shrub
    White Pavement (Snow Owl)- hybrid rugosa
    George Vancouver-Canadian Explorer
    Hannah Gordon-floribunda
    Sweet Juliet-David Austin shrub
    Sharifa Asma-David Austin shrub
    BelindaÂs Dream-shrub
    Prairie Valor-Griffith Buck shrub
    Carefree Delight-shrub
    Prairie Joy-Griffith Buck shrub
    Golden Wings- Hybrid Spinosissima, Shrub.
    Roselina-hybrid rugosa
    Nearly Wild-shrub
    Marie Bugnet-hybrid rugosa
    Magnifica-hybrid rugosa
    John Cabot-Canadian explorer
    John Davis-Canadian explorer
    Rotes Meer (rugosa)-hubrid rugosa
    Henry Hudson-Cabadian explorer
    Morden Ruby-Canadian parkland shrub
    Zwerg-hybrid rugosa
    King Tut-miniature climber
    Mrs John Laing-hybrid perpetual
    J P Connell-Canadian explorer
    Morden Fireglow- Canadian parkland
    de Montarville-Canadian explorer
    Pax-hybrid musk
    Green Ice-miniature
    New Dawn-climber
    Schneezwerg-hybrid rugosa
    Red Cascade-miniature
    International Herald Tribune-floribunda
    Red Wand-miniature climber
    Morden Blush-Canadian Parkland
    Morden Centennial-Canadian parkland
    Lavender Lassie-hybrid musk
    Emily Carr-Canadian Artist series
    Crocus Rose-David Austin shrub
    Pink Pavement (Showy Pavement)-hybrid rugosa
    Berries & Cream-climber
    Smoky-hybrid tea
    Carefree Beauty-Griffith Buck shrub
    Nicolas-Canadian Explorer
    Champlain-Canadian explorer
    Simon Fraser-Canadian explorer
    Jeanne LaJoie-miniature climber
    Comte de Chambord-portland
    Seven Sisters-old garden rose
    Rosalie Coral-climber
    Goldener Olymp-climber
    Coral Dawn-climber
    Les Sjulin-Griffith Buck shrub
    PaulÂs Himalayan Musk-Musk
    Jude the Obscure-David Austin shrub
    Viking Queen-climber
    Dublin Bay-climber
    Zephirine Drouhin
    Quadra-Canadian Exlorer climber
    Gartendirektor Otto Linne-polyantha shrub
    HarrisonÂs Yellow- Hybrid Foetida shrub
    Morden Amorette-shrub
    Variegata di Bologna-Bourbon
    Serendipity-Griffith Buck hybrid tea/shrub
    General Jacqueminot-hybrid perpetual
    Black Jade-mimniature
    Sweet Cecilia-hybrid rugosa
    Orange Triumph-shrub
    DarlowÂs Enigma- climber
    Ramblin Red-climber
    BasyeÂs Purple-shrub
    Mm Pierre Oger-Bourbon
    City of York-climber
    Communis- Centifolia, Moss
    The Fairy-polyanyha
    Gourmet Popcorn-miniature
    Summer Wind-Griffith Buck shrub
    Royal Sunset-limber
    EllenÂs Joy-shrub
    Hansa-hybrid rugosa
    Morden Sunrise-Canadian parkland
    Candy Oh-shrub
    Wee Butterflies-polyantha
    Morden Belle-Canadian parkland
    Konigin Von Danemark- Alba, Centifolia
    Frontenac-Canadian explorer
    Outta the Blue-shrub
    Livin Easy-floribunda
    Ivory Carpet-shrub
    Telluride-shrub, ground cover
    Rosa Rugosa white-rugosa
    Rosa Rugosa purple-rugosa
    Sunnyside Up-shrub

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Khalid: Karl's listing of which ones are hybrid-rugosa for zone 5a is good. Rugosa is known as "beach rose" since it thrives in sandy soil. Rugosa is the most drought-tolerant rose that one can find. There's an Austin rose "Wild Eric", which is a Rugosa-hybrid, and folks praise that for its being drought-tolerant & healthy in loamy soil.

    Austin rose The Dark Lady also has Rugosa heritage, thus less of a water-hogs than other Austins. One drawback of Rugosa: it dislikes chemical fertilizer, but very healthy. Rugosa can tolerate extremes in temp., be it hot or cold.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I once read a book: an experienced Wisconsin Rosarian planted his roses AT SOIL LEVEL, then pile up mulch & leaves & dirt for winter-protection. His logic: if roses are planted below soil-level, less basal breaks and less full-bush formed.

    I agree. It's best to plant roses higher in heavy clay for better drainage.

    My cold zone makes hard for compost to reach neutral pH, even after 1 year. With tons of acidic rain, it's even harder. The only dry & nice-smell compost I had seen was the neighbor's HUGE CYLINDER TUMBLER with a crank, it kept the rain out, and the compost smelled nice & with frequent turning via a crank to introduce oxygen.

    WARNING ON PUTTING LEAVES (9 months old) or compost that haven't reached neutral pH; That can really hurt roses' roots. I did that many times, and shrank my roses.

    On-line info: It takes 2 years for leaves to decompose fully without human intervention (chopping to bits, or turning constantly to aerate).

    Half-decomposed organic matter is safe AT THE BOTTOM of the planting hole (2 feet deep) to give off acid to break through the dense & alkaline bottom layer FOR BETTER DRAINAGE.

    By the time roots are mature (a year later), that stuff will be fully de-composed, but NOT SAFE TO PUT half-decomposed stuff at ROOT-LEVEL, that will burn roots with its acid, be it half-rotted leaves or acidic compost.

    Advantage of putting half-rotted leaves or compost AT BOTTOM OF PLANTING HOLE: I can plant tiny own-roots HIGHER THAN AT SOIL LEVEL, and it'll sink down later when the stuff at bottom is fully composted.

    Planting own-roots at soil level or above soil level encourages more basal breaks. If I put 6 inch. of organic matter at the BOTTOM at 2 feet deep, I can plant own-roots a few inches higher .. then it will sink down to below soil level near winter.

    Val who works for a professional landscape company in Florida (hot & sandy). They plant their roses a few inches ABOVE SOIL LEVEL, that's to cope better with sinking & eroded sand.

  • 8 years ago

    What a great compilation of data, thanks Straw!

    I learned the hard way to plant mine a few inches above soil level. Now I have around a hundred that have sunk below already and I worry about pooling water.

    Good thing that we are usually so dry though!

    strawchicago z5 thanked lavenderlacezone8
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We are in a wet spell for the past 3 years. It's raining non-stop for the past 3 days, Jan 15 & 16 & 17. I didn't even water my 30 tomatoes this past summer, except for when 1st planted as tiny babies (pack of 6 for $2).

    Nahema, a child of Heritage, HATED BEING PLANTED DEEP. It refused to grow leaves when I planted it so deep. I notice that roses that prefer loamy soil (Heritage & Nahema) need to be planted a bit higher .. these roses don't like to be choked to death below thick & dense clay. These "loamy" roots need more oxygen or aeration.

    Roses that prefer clay, such as Dr. Huey-rootstock OR Meilland Romantica roses don't mind being planted way below soil level. These have woody & thick & vigorous roots. But planting deep makes these root more water-logged during heavy rain.

  • 8 years ago

    I have one Heritage and one Jude the Obscure in clay. The Jude is half the height of the sandy ones with significantly less blooms. The Heritage is actually doing much better after a slow start and there's not as much of a drastic difference between the clay and all of the sandy ones.

    strawchicago z5 thanked lavenderlacezone8
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Thank you, lavender, for the info. on clay vs. sand, which is vital for winter-survival. Clay holds more moisture than sand, and cluster-root & multiflora-heritage prefers loamy/sandy soil.

    Moved info. that I gave too Kelly from another thread into here:

    Kelly: Re-post your list for your zone 4 with my comments ... the highlights ones I would buy.

    The reeve: Yes, it's hardy & disease-resistant

    De lish: Will notify you in May

    Rose de rescht: Yes, it's hardy & Khalid loves it.

    St Elbertha: spelling?

    Cressida: yes, a zone 4 person grows it

    Perdita: yes, hardy & blooms lots for folks

    CL America: saw at local zone 5a store, it's a once-bloomer

    Alfred Columb: spelling?

    Vick's Caprice: is hardy & thornless & easy to root. I would buy this !!

    Variagata de bolongia: spelling?

    Jaques cartier: No, I gave it away, ugly huge bush, tiny & boring blooms

    Madame Isaac Pierre: I have it, this roots easily, I accidentally killed its baby.

    Liv Tyler: No, thorny water-hog and died in my zone 5a winter, weird scent.

    Sonia Rykiel: yes, survived many my zone 5a winter until rain/freeze in Dec. '15.

    Rogue royal: Not winter hardy, wimpy as own-root, prefers alkaline clay.

    Augusta Renoir: No, serious balling, not hardy.

    Aloha: yes, vigorous climber

    General cavaignac: Not hardy, need zone 6b.

    Gloire de Dijon: No, Tea Noisette is NOT hardy.

    Baroness de rothschild: yes, it's grown in zone 4 public rose park in Canada

    Gloire de ducher: No, hardy to zone 6b, re-bloom isn't great.

    Paul ricault: hardy to zone 4b, yes !! Centifolia is super-healthy.

    Sweet Victoria: Bred in Canada, yes, hardy.

    Etna: a moss rose, not hardy unless you are in zone 6b.

    Leopold Ritter: yes, hardy to zone 2b, multiflora needs loamy & acidic soil.

    LA petite prince: Delbard bluish rose? Delbard and blue: both are not hardy.

    1812 rose: No, a zone 8b person reported die-back in winter.

    Out of Rosenheim: no scent, plus 32" x 16" isn't big enough to survive cold zone.

    Traviata - very healthy at alkaline zone 5a rose park, height of 47" is vigorous.

    Leonardo de Vinci - No, only hard to zone 6b vs. Bolero hardy to zone 5b.

    Yolande de Aragon - yes, zone 5 and 4 folks love this.

    Paul Bocuse - hardy to zone 5b with height of 5' is plenty vigorous.

    Yves piaget - no, very wimpy, unless grafted.

    Versingy - survived 2 of my zone 5a winter, need loamy soil & winter-protection. Died on Nipptress (Cynthia) and died in my 3rd winter.

    Peter mayle - Died on a few zone 5b folks, survived for another zone 5b since it's close to his house & heavy winter-protection.

    St Ethelburga - hardy to zone 6b, size 4' x 3' from England. I don't see Nipptress (Cynthia zone 5b) with 700+ roses growing this, so it's iffy.

    Variegata di Bologna - hardy in zone 3b, occasional repeat, 6' to 10' tall.

    Alfred Colomb - bred in France, almost thornless, hardy in zone 6b, but height is decent at 4' to 5'. I see zone 4b, zone 5b gardens growing it.

    Rose a Parfum de IHay - hardy to zone 2b, a Rugosa means it needs sandy/loamy soil & drought tolerant & great scent. ***** StrawChicago

  • 7 years ago

    Straw, these lists are so helpful, BIG thanks!

    strawchicago z5 thanked lavenderlacezone8
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Lavenderlace: Thank you for your kind words !! This post on what survives winter best is also helpful for DRY & sandy soil areas. What kill roses in cold-zone are: 1) poor drainage with freezing-rain in winter 2) dry & cold spring.

    Years ago I lost a few roses with poor-drainage so I fixed drainage on ALL my roses, digging down past 2.5 feet & get rid of icky clay & rocks below. But this DRY & cold spring killed many newly bought own-root with tiny short roots. Really appreciate folks who honestly shared about which roses they lost through the winter.

    Without honesty there's zero learning. Too bad that forum-folks don't share much about which roses didn't survive winter.

    This past winter 2018 is the WORST in 17 years for roses. We went from cold & dry winter to hot summer fast, with a short & cold & dry spring. I feel bad about roses dying to the crown, except for zone 4 or well-established Austins. A few vigorous roses sprout leaves fast despite dying to the crown: Gene Boerner, Louis Estes, Strike it Rich, Dee-lish. These are also drought-tolerant with deep roots.

    It's Chicagoland's dry & short & cold spring that's to blame. We had snow in April !! My 2nd Pat Austin (water-hog) barely made it. Perpetua (Romania, zone 6) also posted in HMF that this is her WORST winter for modern roses, but her old-garden-roses bounced back.

    Two roses that I bought during RU last summer sale (mid-June) survived winter with green canes (The Squire and Madame E. Calvat). I piled up alkaline horse manure, then leaves UP to 1 foot.

    But the roses which I piled up acidic grass-clippings and leaves suffered with black canes & died to the crown. Next year I go back to using horse manure to winter-protect roses, rather than acidic toppings like grass-clippings & leaves.

  • 5 years ago

    bump up for reference.

  • 5 years ago

    Thank you so much for these wonderful lists!! They are so helpful for knowing what doesn't do well as well as what does!!

    strawchicago z5 thanked joeywyomingzone4
  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Below is the info. that Floweraremusic (zone 5) in Washington gave on her 2020 winter-survival. She has alkaline clay with rocks at bottom like mine & less snow in winter:

    "My hardiest roses are the Canadians. John Davis, John Cabot, Wm. Baffin, Morden Sunrise, Morden Blush and Morden Centennial, Victorian Memory aka Isabelle Skinner, also a Canadian rose. All these only have tiny bit of tip damage and bloom a lot with no special care. Also, my Hybrid Perpetuals only have tip damage after winter. Magna Charta, Mrs. John Laing, Black Prince and Marchesa Buccella. The only negative is they don’t have long enough cutting stems. All my Austins are very hardy. The one I just can not grow is Jude. Leonardo da Vinci is super hardy and always healthy. Quietness comes through winter very well. Even Rouge Royale survives beautifully. Cinderella Fairy Tale is very hardy. Gruss an Aachen also. Ballerina and Marjorie Fair are both hardy.

    Poseidon, Princess Charlene de Monaco and Crazy Love didn’t do as well as I’d hoped.

    The surprise losses this year are Quicksilver, and Dames de Chenonceau who is left with only 1 cane. Versigny is also reduced down to almost nothing. This was a mild winter with very little snow. " Floweraremusic (zone 5).

    From StrawChicago (zone 5a with hard black-gumbo alkaline clay & less snow but with freezing rain in winter). Versigny didn't survive winter either. So I lost Versigny TWICE. Besides Versigny, other wimpy own-root roses that don't survive winter well: Paul Neyron, Anna's Promise, Pink Peace (own-root died 1st winter, but grafted-Pink Peace survives many winter), Elantyne, Jude the Obscure, Young Lycidas (bought as grafted-on-Dr.Huey, now with only one cane), Mary Daly, and many floribundas don't survive my zone 5a: Pink Chiffon, Sheila's perfume, King Arthur, Deep Purple, Shocking blue, Honey Bouquet (survived 1 winter). Polka Climber (survived 1 winter), Cloutilde Soupert (died twice on me). Sutter's Gold didn't survive winter, same with many fragrant mini-roses from Burlington nursery.

    Below are my hardy OWN-ROOT roses in my zone 5a alkaline clay, only Double Delight, Young Lycidas and Lavender Crush are grafted-on-Dr.Huey. Bold-faced are the very vigorous ones:

    Own-roots with 3 feet of green canes: Carding Mill (since 2012), Princess Charlene of Monaco, Duchess de Rohan, Crown Princess Magareta (since 2012), Zepherine Drouhin, Lady of Shalott, James Galway, Lavender Crush, Queen of Sweden (gave away but very hardy), Poseidon (right below the rain-spout, dug down to 2.5 feet), Scepter'd Isle (very big & hardy own-root but gave that away with its lousy scent).

    Own-roots with 2 feet of green canes: La Reine (many winters), Blue Mist (since 2012), Prairie Harvest (since 2014), Mary Magdalene (since 2011), Evelyn (since 2012), Radio Times (since 2011), Pat Austin (since 2011), Christopher Marlowe (since 2011), Golden Celebration (since 2011), Lilian Austin (gave away but very hardy), the Squire, the Dark Lady, Wise Portia survived 4 winters but died in poor drainage clay, Dee-lish (since 2015), Twilight Zone (since 2016), William Shakespeare. 2000 (since 2011), Comte de Chambord (since 2012), Princess Anne, Sweet Mademoiselles, Aloha climber, Orchid Romance, Bohemian Rhapsody, Marie Pavie, Lagerfeld (since 2017), Frederic Mistral survived 2 winters but died when I didn't winter-protect with leaves, Sonia Rykiel (survived 3 winters) but died in freezing rain winter, same with 1/4 of the street-trees in my neighborhood, Excellenz von Shubert (since 2013),

    Own-roots with less than 1 foot of green canes: Gina's rose, Tchaikosky (since 2015), Cornelia (since 2018), Bolero (few winters), Peter Mayle, Sharifa Asma, Neil Diamond, Amber Queen, A Shopshire Lad, Strike it Rich, Old Port (since 2012), Veteran's Honor (many winters), Double Delight (grafted on Dr.Huey), Savannah, Tess of d'Uberville, Gene Boerner (since 2014), thornless Yves Seedling (since 2013), Stephen big Purple (since 2012), Louise Este, Mirandy, Crimson Glory, Liv Tyler survived 1 winter but needs winter-protection, Rouge Royal (bought last year with no winter-protection). Annie L. McDowell (survived 2 winters but needs a wet-spot since it's almost thornless), Nahema (survived 1 winter then died during freezing-rain winter), same with Eyes-for-you (drought-tolerant and doesn't like freezing wet winter), Souvenir du President Lincoln, Madame Issac Pererie and Madame Earnest Calvat, Firefighter (survived 2 winters) but died since it's next to tree. Bayes Blueberry (survived many winters but I gave away), Charles Darwin (gave away since it fades badly), Arthur Bell (since 2012 & killed it since I don't like the flowers). StrawChicago.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Posting the info. that Predfern in zone 5b Chicagoland gave me on his OWN-ROOT roses' winter survival of 2020:

    " Here is a list of roses with the most green canes in my garden now.

    Teasing Georgia

    The Huntington Rose

    Benjamin Britten

    Hawkeye Belle

    Louise Odier

    Kiss Me Kate

    Earth Angel

    Orchid Romance

    Polar Express

    Martine Guillot




    Harlow Carr

    Dames de Chenonceau

    James Galway

    Wollerton Old Hall

    Golden Gate

    Tangerine Skies

    NOTE: I have had Earthsong for several years. I have not detected any fragrance. It died back to the ground this year. One year it didn't come back until July. Heritage has few thorns but does well in my raised bed." Predfern, zone 5b Chicagoland.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Re-post the link that Cynthia (Nipptress in Nebraska, zone 5b) of the OWN-ROOT winter-survival list for hybrid-teas. She has well-drained loamy soil & less rain than my 38 to 40" of rain Chicagoland with heavy alkaline clay.

    Below is the link to Cynthia's ranking of own-root-hardiness for floribundas:

  • 4 years ago

    Straw, thanks for reviving this thread. Lots of good info here for Forum newcomers. i can't imagine why I didn't include any Austins in my first comment, way up thread. Austins are always my most reliably winter hardy. Meilland next then Kordes.

    strawchicago z5 thanked flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA