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Life of the party – suitable for large container?

Well, it turns out I have two, maybe three, very large(22”) plastic pots that are just crying out to have roses planted in them. On Heirloom’s site, I saw Life of the Party, a rose I would really like to have. Does anyone grow LOTP in Southern California or other hot, dry, mostly mild winter areas? Does it stay small?

I have some doubts about Heirloom’s judgment, as I saw Jude the Obscure among other roses they recommend for containers. Doesn’t Jude get to be 9 foot tall in zone 9a? They also have Mr. Lincoln in this category … maybe it’s a container plant somewhere, but not here.

Expanding the search to Regan, I’m also interested in First Crush, Quietness, Paris de Yves St Laurent, and especially Marc Chagall. Is anyone growing any of these in containers? Thanks.

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