Healthy DA climber rose similar to Lady of Shallot?
4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
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Munstead Wood/Lady Shallot/Lady Emma Hamilton/orPrincess Anne
Comments (9)I am near you - about 3 hours from Galveston in east Texas. I love my Tess. I have her on a huge fan shaped trellis - she has very healthy foliage and lots of nice blooms. Two of my favorite Austins are Carding Mill and Abe Darby. Wollerton Old Hall, new for me last year, does get really big, don't find the blooms fragrant like Austin says, but they are pretty. Sophy's Rose is a really good one - healthy foliage, lots of big pretty deep pink blooms. Bishop's Castle is good. Lady of Shallot looks to be big. I have quite a few new ones that are healthy and growing - they will do better next year. Great big for me are James Galway and Scepter d'Isle - like them a lot. I have Lady Emma and Munstead Wood planted where they get full sun until 2pm - hope they like it there. I really like Ambridge Rose too. Love the blooms on Jude......mine is very small though. I am getting another Young Lycadis - my chickens were scratching in that bed and killed it. The color is a different, brighter looking pink that I really like. Englands Rose was new for me last year - it started off looking and blooming fantastically.....then it starting dawdling around. Am hoping it will get going again in the spring - it was really nice. I want to try Princess Alexandra of Kent - have heard good things about it. Do any of you all plan to try the new Austins? I want Boscobel, The Lark Ascending.......not sure about the others. caldonbeck, the photos are fabulous! Judith...See MoreGift certificate to DA roses, so am considering 2 of the following 5
Comments (2)I have PAoK ( new this year, blooms are lovely), and Carding Mill. C.M.'s blooms can be so pretty, fading to a pretty pastel ( see April 1st blooms in rose gallery). Tranquillity is one that looks gorgeous too. If I needed a white rose, it would definitely be a contender....See More2 parts : Beverly and lady of shallot
Comments (29)Lady of shallot is next to jude and Princess Alexandra of Kent. Compared to their shape (more of a rounded shrub) LOS is like a vase and throws the whole bed off. I guess I am spoiled! But I agree with MAD and others that it is a slow grower and mostly only green. I think the extra harsh treatment with the pruners this spring helped both with more fullness at the base and buds. So Lily circling back to your original question, I would cut it back after it blooms. and here is Darcy bussell next to Los Pardon the bright harsh glare of the high desert sun. Alice...See MoreSize/height of golden celebration and lady of shalott as climbers?
Comments (9)My LoS is 12 ft and would be bigger if I let it. I have it espaliered on a wire fence. GC seems to be going to be at least 10ft here. I just got it last spring so who knows. They are both grafted and I live in a warm climate so they get bigger than in some places. Quicksilver is around 8ft here so far. I have 3. 2 are own root and 1 is grafted. The 2 own root are taller than the grafted one so far, lol. LoS has some yellow tones in it. Orange/apricot goes well with lavenders. I guess its just personal preference. Lady of Shalott Quicksilver..often has Quartered blooms If you like pinks, peach and yellow in a large shrub that blooms alot, then I highly recommend Peach Swirl..colors start out strong then mellow and meld together into huge fluffy cupcake blooms. You can even use it to "tie" other colors together in the flowerbed. I use it in a mostly David Austin bed to tie the pinks, lavender, orange, coral, and yellows together in that bed. Stronger colors when opening. Really, Peach Swirl outshines the Austins and is the star of the show lol. Mellowed out peachy, yellows when more open....See MoreRelated Professionals
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