“Deep Cleaning” – What’s it Mean to You?
5 years ago
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How do you kill a mean rooster?
Comments (39)Ok here is my story. So we had this rooster, this morning, who has been increasingly evil with everyone who goes near the 'ladies'. At first it was just me, but recently even my husband with the biggest scariest boots he owns has been a target.Spurs flying, mean scary attack rooster, as mean and evil as you have ever seen, even when you try to feed him. What's his name? Someone asked me the other day "Dinner" I said without hesitation. Anyway, this morning a friend who is a chicken farmer, visited. I was lamenting the inability to go in to the pen and clean them out and collect eggs with the children as I always enjoyed it. So this friend said, "let me go in there and see how mean he really is" After a few turns around the chicken yard, with me watching safely from the house, he had the rooster on the defensive, and clearly convinced. So he cornered him and caught him. "He's all feathers, not anough meat on him to say so...Shall I 'take care' of him for you?" He asked. I knew this was not an offer to adopt him and take him home, so I hesitated for about 2 seconds before saying, "OK". Images sprang to mind of peaceful mornings spent with the chickens again, remembering all the reasons why we started keeping them to begin with. So our friend,with'Piggy' firmly held by the feet and swinging by his side, hikes waaayyyyy up the steep mountain behind our house, and disappears about half a mile up into the woods. After about 10 minutes he came back and said, "Wow, I've never seen one fight like that. Even after I slit his throat he was still attacking me, and actually got away" Anyway, the rooster had his throat slit and disappeared into the undergrowth to die. The coyotes that we hear every night would surely dine royally tonight. Well 8 hours later upon returning from my son's soccer practice, who is strutting around the yard as though he owns the place, pacing up and down outside the chicken run eyeing his harem...Yup, it was Piggy the evil rooster. Now this apparent resurrection, or cheating death is made all the more incredible once you realize that the guy who took care of him is truly an experienced slitter of chicken throats. Anyway, my only thought, after ushering my 8 year old chicken lover into the house, was to let the dogs, 2 large labs out. I know I know, once they get a taste for it ....etc etc. But what am i to do? Here is a rooster, we know it is only a matter of time before he relieves my son of one of his eyes, with a giant hole in his neck, bristling at the sight of me from 30 yards away. No one due to be home to help with the situation for another hour. So quietly I let the dogs out, took my son into a room on the other side of the house and waited for nature to take it's course, which it did...very quickly. My biggest question is this...do I still need to feed the dogs tonight, or can I save the dog food?...See More12' deep duct cover and 13 3/4' deep cab??
Comments (2)i don't see it being a problem having your duct slightly tucked in and the cabinets around it slightly deeper. not sure why it'd be an issue. just make sure that the cabinet co. knows to put a finished panel on the part that will be exposed, or to provide some extra material so your installers can put it on when they install. as for the 3" gap with fillers on either side, it's not at all necessary (the actual ducting will be much smaller than the duct cover, just an 6-10" round sheet metal duct), but if your cabinet plan calls for it due to space considerations, it also shouldn't pose a problem....See MoreTipping for a deep cleaning.
Comments (13)That's 10 cents per square foot. It's traditional to pay a cleaning service per hour worked. If that's 9 worker hours, that would be $40 per hour, which is high even if in my high cost of living area. We pay a fixed amount that works out to about $30-$35 per hour. A deep clean is, in theory, no more difficult than a regular periodic cleaning. It simply involves more tasks and takes more time. For the last several years, we've used a family business that comes every other week that's staffed by family and friends. It was referred to us by two sets of friends who have used them for many years. They told us they don't tip the workers and so we don't either. We give the workers a holiday gift at year end. We pay $30 per person hour worked for a house that's 30% bigger. Should a bigger house be more per hour, I don't know. There's an effect (that we see for most services) of prices being goosed upward because of the neighborhood we live in. I don't know but I don't think our cleaners do that. The owners are honest and fair, our friends' houses are smaller but they pay the same hourly rate (though our house takes longer and we pay more for that reason)....See MoreWhat’s one thing you miss? And one thing you are taking comfort in?
Comments (60)I was thinking yesterday--life hasn't changed YET. Church: I go to adoration on my way to work and find Father saying Mass--telecasting on Facebook and stayed so, so far that is all same same. This Sunday it won't be. DH goes to work as usual, I do to--my 'work' has changed as students are 'on line' but still. Card group is cancelled..we take our walks as weather permits as usual.DH's compound bow league has been on until this coming week but it was near the last weeks anyway. Our offspring all live in other States. They all continue to work--DD#1 is working from home managing her counties website. DD#2 is working on a treatment in her laboratory for this virus. The cows are peculating--it's about three weeks out yet. Son like father is doing his engineering thing...I think those of us who are not movers and shakers who are home bodies are really not as affected. I shop once a week. Will go this morning at 6 as usual..will get what I can. Yesterday shopping the local walmart for students, what I saw says I will be able to get what I want--milk/fresh vegis/fruit. I buy sales so have a freezer full of meat and staples. Stay calm enjoy being out of the rat race. Life here in the quiet simpler lives is really not so bad....See MoreRelated Professionals
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