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Fall nursery sales are ramping up

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O'Toole's: I went today (08/10) and all their perennials are 50% off. They still have a nice selection. I got a Joe Pye Weed, a small hakonechloa, a mini hosta Ginko Craig (didn't have this one!), and a European Ostritch fern for a friend. That thing is pretty cool, looks very Jurassic Park!

I'm sort of waiting for their shrubs to go on sale as I am really wanting another hydrangea.

For mmmm12, I saw some Guacamole hostas on the clearance rack at the Lowe's on 104th and I-25. They were $3. There were also a few of the Mango Popsicle there on clearance rack. Their clearance rack is inside where the houseplants are.

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