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Ramping Up For Next Year

10 years ago

I'm really worried about the Monarchs, but I'm getting ready for next year and focusing a bit more on other butterflies. I bought a Hop Tree for the Giant Swallowtails, a Spice Bush for the SpiceBush Swallowtails, and I'm planting multiple containers of parsley and rue for the Black Swallowtails. I've seen quite a few Red Admirals in my yard the past two springs, so I think I must have stinging nettles or false nettles in the woods out back. I'm collecting seeds from my nectar plants as they become available. Boy are they just like the watched pot that won't boil.

I am working on the Monarchs as well. I have a mixed patch of Lily of the Valley and milkweed, and I'm working on killing of the LOV and expanding the milkweed. I may put some parsley in that bed, too. It's shady, so maybe the parsley won't go to seed as quickly and there will be more foliage available for the BSTs. Annual dill might work similarly.

I'm ecstatic about the success of my Liatris ligulastylis. I wintersowed seeds 18 months ago, and now it is blooming. Before this stuff bloomed, I had only seen one Monarch all summer. Now I see one almost every day, and always nectaring on that liatris. These might be the Monarchs I released a few weeks ago, but you'd think they would have found somewhere more interesting to go by now. Any way, I'm eagerly awaiting seeds from these plants so I can expand my collection.

What is anyone else planning for next year? I grew 4 Asclepias currasavica and I hope to overwinter cuttings, if not the entire plant. They haven't gotten very large. Then again, I'm far enough north that the Monarchs don't get here until the Swamp Milkweed is well up. So having large plants early is not so important.

Hope to hear what everyone is up to. I need more ideas, especially for attracting butterflies to shade. Happy gardening!


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