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Where to trade and/or sell my plants in CO (revamping garden)

Beth D.
9 days ago

Hi! I am in Littleton CO and am revamping all of my landscaping. I have a ton of plants I will be taking out of the ground and likely not relocating. Is there anywhere I can sell these or trade?

They are all pretty mature and in great shape... I just need a change. With how much they go for at landscaping stores I was hoping to make a little bit of cash at least so it'll help cover the cost of all the new ones I'm getting.

I purchased a lot of annuals but also tons of Hostas and shade plants but all rhisomes (?) seeds, etc. so I'll have no mature shade plants this year unless I can find someone to trade with. Too pricey to purchase more mature plants when I am getting so many at once.

Any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks!!!

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