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Did you read Where The Crawdads Sing ? Let's discuss it.

4 years ago

I'd like to hear from those who've read Where The Crawdads Sing.

********SPOILER ALERT***********

Here's my take :

I loved 9/10 ths of the story but was disturbed by the author's ending.

It seems that her strength was in describing and relating to the biology of the marshes.....and her main character.

As soon as she tried to be a mystery/murder writer she fell through a crack.

Here's the thing that irks me: She takes us on this wonderful, well-written journey and then becomes a weak hack at the end.

Did someone else write the ending ?????

Regarding the is completely unbelievable that Kya would have ever bothered to go back and forth from Greenville just to kill Chase.

First of all she was terrified of seeing him again and did everything to avoid him after the attempted rape. So why would she agree ( if she did agree since the sloppy writer never tells us she planned to meet him ALONE in a tower) to meet him in a trapped space ? Just to tell him she hates him and take back her shell ? Nope not buying that.

But that's exactly what the author expects us to accept.

Very poor story line.

I would have rather had Tate be the murderer and get away with it....thus upholding the title which suggests that in the wild, unknown parts of nature things happen that we know nothing of....and many are violent, illogical and simply incredible.


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