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Container growers- do you plant anything else with the roses?

My husband looked at our one rose that is in a container (large) and commented that I need to add around it. I do that with my other plants, but as I have successfully killed a few roses in containers, I was pretty much leaving it alone. This spring I went nuts and ordered a bunch of roses and some will have to live permanently in containers. Hoping that I'm older (true) and wiser (debatable), and will be able to keep them alive this time.

The challenge is that we have a small typical suburban yard, half of which is paved and has a large pool. It is also open to the golf course and I cant plant anything along the fence line. The lawn area is only around 10 to 12', and I dont want to steal from there apart from the corners where I am planning to remove a play structure and put in a bed sometime in the future. Front is full to part shade, no roses

All this to say, my full sun option is container gardening for now (apart from the ones I already have in the ground). And the challenge is that the containers need to look good, cannot have clutter in the patio area, small containers etc. And I love plants, not just roses.

Initial ideas are to put some type of shallow rooted annuals. Any suggestions? Something that cascades nicely will be perfect. My fear is root competition. Anyone have pictures to share? I need some inspiration! Thanks!

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