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Booker Prize Longlist 2018

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

The 2018 Booker Longlist is out today.

Including, for the first time, a graphic novel...

Belinda Bauer (UK) - Snap (Bantam Press)

Anna Burns (UK) - Milkman (Faber & Faber)

Nick Drnaso (USA) - Sabrina (Granta Books)

Esi Edugyan (Canada) - Washington Black (Serpent’s Tail)

Guy Gunaratne (UK) - In Our Mad And Furious City (Tinder Press)

Daisy Johnson (UK) - Everything Under (Jonathan Cape)

Rachel Kushner (USA) - The Mars Room (Jonathan Cape)

Sophie Mackintosh (UK) - The Water Cure (Hamish Hamilton)

Michael Ondaatje (Canada) - Warlight (Jonathan Cape)

Richard Powers (USA) - The Overstory (Willian Heinemann)

Robin Robertson (UK) - The Long Take (Picador)

Sally Rooney (Ireland) - Normal People (Faber & Faber)

Donal Ryan (Ireland) - From A Low And Quiet Sea (Doubleday Ireland)

No Julian Barnes or Alan Hollinghurst. Well, that's two first editions I've bought that won't be in my Booker collection. No Ali Smith, Peter Carey or Pat Barker.

I can state, without fear of contradiction, that I have read exactly zero of this list. But as always, I'll be trying to read them all before the shortlist which is announced on Thursday September 20th.

(The Guardian has egg on its face. It published this list yesterday, then had to delete the story as it should have been embargoed until today...)

Anyone read any of these? Any specific recommendations?

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