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Losses so far...

Since last winter I have bought various succulents and cactus.I have kept them in a cold,bright room with no water, so they all survived.This spring I have done a lot of repoting in an inorganic media.I have been very careful with watering them through spring, still I had some losses.

So far, I have lost an echinocereus rigidissimus rubrispinus,trichodiadema densum, aloinopsis oprenii, mammillaria duewii, a young melocactus, a grafted mammillaria luethi, an unknown gymnocalicium which I didn't even see it bloom, an older turbinicarpus I had and my new rebutia heliosa which I posted when it bloomed.I feel very sad for all these plants which I wanted so bad. It isn't easy to replace them too, some are hard to find here.

And that is not all. As I was checking my collection today I found out that many suffer from those damn root mealies. My obregonia denegrii has lost most of its roots ,and there is damage in my eriosyce napina and ferocactus peninsulae. Of course there could be other affected as well.

I am afraid to treat them with chemicals (because of the new baby I am extra careful). Do you think I can treat them with hydrogen peroxide?Maybe submerge them with their pots in it?

Do you guys have any losses so far?

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