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Idea to reduce the number of gun massacres in schools + elsewhere

Elmer J Fudd
5 years ago

I'm staying out of the frequent (weekly?) threads about public shootings. Gun proponents seem unable to do any critical thinking to envision anything other than a continuation of the status quo and its bloody consequences.

So here's a proposal: Let's have a national referendum (with state by state tallies) about whether to curtail or not curtail gun ownership. The predicable outcome will be that red states will vote to continue having things as is, blue states will vote to put significant restrictions in place. That way, Middle America and the South can continue to have their guns, private fantasy militias, and school and other public shootings and the states on the extreme coasts can move forward in relatively better safety and peace, more like the rest of the world enjoys.

I'm an independent with no allegiance to any party, especially not the Dems nor the Repubs. I try to base my political thoughts on common sense rather than any doctrine or dogma. I know that's more rare than it should be, members of both major parties are frequently guilty of listening only to soundbites.

Any thoughts?

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