Apps For Seniors
6 years ago
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Comments (28)
- 6 years ago
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question of curiosity, senior wants to know
Comments (8)yes there are definitely infections that can get on smart phones, however since most are Android which is a version of linux it is not like dealing with windows. But there are many good antivirus programs for your Android phones or devices. I recommend Lookout security, Avast is also making it's way up the ladder. Just like linux on a computer is less likely to be affected by infections so goes it for the linux based Android devices but since they are so popular there are definitely bad guys out there writing bugs to try to mess with them too. Lookout security and any other antivirus programs can be found in the Android markets or most any of the other popular Android app markets. Lookout...See MoreAre any of you senior citizens on facebook
Comments (74)Facebook isn't just about "friending" people you know face-to-face. It's about networking with people who have the same interests you have. If it wasn't for Facebook, I wouldn't talk to my cousins, who ALL live in The Netherlands. None of us like letter writing. Their emails get lost in all the spam I get. I have a lot of co-workers on FB and we have silly conversations on FB that we can't have at work. We don't all work the same shifts, so it's nice to talk on FB when it's convenient for us. I have friends who live in the US. We are a group of women (I mentioned our private group here a few days ago), and a few of us have met face-to-face. We used to use YahooGroups, but Facebook is so much easier to use. I belong to several colouring groups, photography groups, Calgary groups, etc., to get information directly from others. I learn more through FB about my hobbies than I do through Google, although quite often when I ask a question, I'll get sent to google... lol Facebook is addictive. It's fun. It's my way to keep up with my family because we are all so busy with our families, jobs and life in general. Do I really care what someone ate for breakfast? Nope. And they're probably not interested in what I ate either. But we post pictures and sometimes someone will say, "hey! You have a recipe for that? It looks delicious!". There is so much more than posting the food you eat or how the weather is....See MoreSenior dosage flu shots
Comments (73)I got mine today... when I called the grocery store pharmacy to see if I needed an appt she said no. I asked if they were busy with people wanting them she said yes. I told her I was coming on my lunch hour, so she took my info over the phone to help expedite me when I got there. Nice! Anyhow, she said she had to ask me a delicate question... how old am I? I didn't ask why she was asking, but thanks to this post, this is probably why! I laughed to myself about the "delicate" question - I'll tell anybody my age, but I was afraid it might be how much do you weigh? Now that's a delicate question!...See MoreShopping Services...
Comments (30)With many Instacart experiences - certainly near 50 or more - we've had only one major disappointment, about one month ago. After spending time communicating pretty steadily but successfully with a shopper in a store on what seemed to be a low-stock day, the Instacart person delivered someone else's order to us. Which we didn't discover until the person was long gone. I contacted Customer Service, they were incredibly responsive and helpful. They couldn't reach the shopper by phone at all. Their response was to put another shopper to work immediately to replace the order, give us one month of whatever their special service is called, and a $30 credit. No need for them to be so magnanimous, no damage was done besides some wasted time and I understand mistakes can happen, but I appreciated it. Oh, and "keep what you have". That was fine except almost all of the wrong delivery was stuff we had no interest in. Almost all of it went into the trash, unfortunately. I had a Whole Foods delivery two weeks ago and it must have been accumulated by a picker who hadn't had their morning coffee. Three wrong items, all a different "flavor" from what was ordered, and all ordered items indicated as "no substitutes", got included in the delivery. Amazon was great, all of the undelivered and wrongly picked items were removed from the bill - a total of >$30. That was a first time problem with WF in probably 20 orders so I took it in stride and will gladly order from them again....See More- 6 years ago
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