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Quick Silver or ND Awakening? Help me choose a climber!

I'm getting ready to order a new climber from RU, and I'm just totally stuck between Quick Silver and Awakening. I read tons of rave reviews for Awakening and feel like I've decided, then I see another photo of Quick Silver and get hopelessly stuck again! The most important thing is that it's cane hardy in Zone 5. I'd like to establish a big beautiful plant, not have to regrow canes every year. Does anyone have experience with these two who could help me make the decision? Some questions...

- Are either of them more BS resistant than the other?

- Will one do better than the other in light afternoon shade? (Sun all morning, and never deep shade)

- Will either of them bloom more than once a season?

- Do either of them ball particularly badly?

Thanks in advance! Don't know how I would ever make a decision without this forum.

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