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Live sawn white oak for new build on finished basement.

6 years ago

We are building a lake house in Illinois. Geothermal heat and air with humidistat. The windows will rarely be open and if so only for short amounts of time. The house sits on a finished basement.

our last house had 4" wide finished on site red oak with essentially the same house specs and we had absolutely zero problems.

I'm hiring a company to install finished on site 3/4" Live Sawn white oak. We can do any width but would prefer 6" or 7". Nail and glue and they have discussed, warned us of all of the possible issues re: gaps, humidity, etc.

should I go narrower than 6"?

I don't want to sound like I want what I want but the beauty of this wood really comes through when it's a little wider.

what do you think?


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