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The Fabulous ZZ

It's so easy, even a caveman could do it--would apply to this plant. So forgiving -- and happy in bright light, happy in dark light, with water, or without water. Its attitude is, "Bring it."

Well, for that reason, it was one of the few plants I did want to transport w/ me on my move last year from CA to NV. In unpacking the car 3 days afterwards, I was disappointed to find that some other plant had knocked over on top of the ZZ, breaking two stems in half right in the middle. Not the entire stem w/ roots -- not even close to the bottom, but bam - right in the middle, bent over, half severed. I cut them off and as a method of mourning, I put in a cup of water to say my goodbyes.

A week later, I noticed it hadn't died yet, so I just put it aside to the corner. That was in July 2017. Sometimes, I'd forget it for weeks at a time to find no water remaining, yet it still chugged along with a few roots forming. A few times, I've refreshed its water with some of my fertilizer water w/ Foliage Pro.

Today, those two stems look like this.

Naah, they're not perfect, and I have no clue what I plan to do with them; I'm just enjoying watching what normally happens below the soil. But they are resilient and determined to live, and as far as I'm concerned, if you want to live this badly, I'll make sure you get to live!

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