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Coffee doesn't taste good anymore

7 years ago

What can I do to enjoy my morning coffee again? I used to love coffee first thing in the morning but the past year or so that isn't the case. I've tried all different flavors of Peets and really cannot tell the difference in flavors. I'm told that is probably because I add milk to it. Here's what I do....

  1. Have Peets grind a pound of coffee and then I keep it in the freezer.
  2. I use a cheap Mr Coffee coffeemaker
  3. I use regular tap water which tastes fine when I drink a glass of water
  4. I guess at the proportions
  5. I add milk to it

When I'm out and have coffee occasionally I enjoy the flavor of latte's.

I enjoyed the flavor of a cheap coffee when I'm at the bagel/coffee shop but when I made the same brand at home it wasn't good.

Thanks for your ideas!



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