Coffee doesn't taste good anymore
7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
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When talking doesn't help?
Comments (15)OMG, you must be the person who bought my old house!!! our neighbors were hopelessly intrusive. husband in early stages of alzheimer's (yes, it was sad). he would set up a lawn chair smack in the middle of his backyard and literally watch DH mow the lawn. the wife would relentlessly come out to chit-chat while we were engaged in hard yard labor. we laid all the sod in a 1/2 acre backyard on our own. when it started to rain on us and we just kept going, she had the nerve to come stand over us and say "you two will NEVER get this finished." once, the husband chased down my DH who was backing out of the driveway to go to work. DH rolled down the window to ask what he needed. the guy asked permission to hunt the ducks in our backyard (ducks were all in his head). I'm a loner and even though I am with people all day at work and many people consider me their "best friend" in the workplace, friendly and out-going, when I get home,! mimi, i can SO relate! my garden is my place to come home from a day of minimal progress at the office and MAKE A DENT IN SOMETHING! at work, i constantly have to be "on." i am chipper, kind, and exceedingly paitent with people. when i come home, i don't want to have to "work at it" anymore. i want to be alone with my plants--they don't expect me to be "polite company." LOL my current complaint about neighbors is the annoying people behind us who insist on leaving their floodlight on until sometimes 11:00 at night. they are also exceedingly loud people. we call them the "loudniks." seriously, i think the wife has banned the husband from talking on the phone in the house b/c he is so d*** loud! the worst is when their cousins come over and the kids are outside playing all night with the adults sitting around on the patio talking. i mean, how late is too late for kids to be outside screaming "Bubba, look at me! Look at MEEEEEEEEE! Hey BUBBBBBBBBA!!!! Look what I can do! LOOOOOOOOOOKKKK!" Is 10:30 PM too late for that? I mean, I wouldn't dare compain that kids are outside yelling and playing during the day--I mean, geez that's what a neighborhood is about. But c'mon, when can I expect to sit out on my porch and drink my tea without the screaming and blaring spotlights?!?! gotta love neighbors. maybe one day i will save up enough to buy a farm--or buy new neighbors ;-)...See MoreDH doesn't see the need to change~~
Comments (30)I have asked his children......they said they don't want it...have a houseful of their own already. I know nothing about craigslist....are they like Ebay? Do you have to join and what is the commission rate? I have checked for a couple things on craigslist, and there is never anything remotely near to where we live.....rural Kansas. I am still thinking maybe we can take it to the auction house. I asked him tonight if he was "attached" to his Hummels (because that just isn't my thing...even told him I was going to part with my Zolan plate collection)...and he said the only things he was really attached to was a water color painting done by a famous artist and two bronze statues of bears that he bought when he lived in Montana. So maybe he is not as "attached" as he seemed to be....I'll keep "working" on him. I had a garage sale last spring and did make enough to buy the new dining room chairs, but everytime I mention looking for new ones, he doesn't want to go and I do not want to spend that kind of money for 8-10 chairs without him seeing them....because if they are not comfortable enough for him, he wouldn't be happy with them and then I don't think I would be able to enjoy them either....See MoreCoffeemaker that doesn't steam a lot
Comments (14)We have 2 Keurig coffemakers at work. Unfortunately, while they provide a wide variety of coffees, we're only offered 2 teas...neither of which I like. I usually use the filtered water dispenser for hot water with tea bags. We have several serious tea drinkers at work and they are lobbying for a Keurig machine for tea only...they insist their tea is contaminated by coffee when using the same machine whether using a K-cup or tea bag! I actually agree...that's why I use the hot water dispenser on the filtered water....See MoreRemodeled to white kitchen, now living room doesn’t FLOW. IDEAS?
Comments (30)I would get rid of the drapes (roman shades), rug is fine, get a more modern fan, and paint the living room the same color as the kitchen. After that, the world is your oyster! (I love Beth H.'s in the future, you may want to replace some furniture pieces, etc., but for now, I think just doing those things is a start). BTW, I have an open concept kitchen/dining/living room, and it really improved the look by doing this....See More- 7 years ago
- 7 years agoginjj thanked dcarch7 d c f l a s h 7 @ y a h o o . c o m
- 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years agoginjj thanked sleevendog (5a NY 6aNYC NL CA)
- 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
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