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What would you do to this kitchen/dining room?

7 years ago


For a budget of $8,000-$10,000 (excluding appliances-those will be all new and don't need to be factored into the budget) what are some things you would do to this kitchen?

Some thoughts:

1.) Bringing the raised part of the island down and expanding it out so it's one level.

2.) New counter tops...just don't know what color to go with.

3.) Taking out that piece of furniture in the right corner, but not sure what to do with that empty space?

4.) maybe relocating the microwave somewhere (on the island?) and doing a range hood up to the ceiling? Would that look weird because the cabinets don't go that high? Also, I guess that would mean the island would need to be expanded because I don't see where a microwave could go.

Any thoughts on decorating, updating, etc... would be helpful! I also don't know how much these cosmetic type updates would cost so not sure if my points #1-4 above are realistic.

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