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Thoroughly confused on how to prep seed bed on new lawn

7 years ago

Hi all,

I have been diligently reading this forum over the winter and taking all the advice you have given on the topic of new lawns to heart. I need your expert advice if you'd be willing to share.

Here's where I am:

We moved in a new home last summer. The "lawn" was mostly clover, dirt and moss with a little grass. We had three large trees removed in the fall, allowing direct sunlight. I applied roundup a few weeks ago and whatever was there is dead, however some areas may have really compacted soil.

I need advice on how to prepare the seed bed for new grass. I have read a lot of articles off of this site that say to roto-till. I have also read here that roto-tilling awakens dormant weeds and causes bumpy lawns. I would like to plant at the end of this month if the weather cooperates. I am in Nashville, Tenn. The lawn area is around 3K sq ft. I was going to plant this fescue seed blend from TSC. Based on the equipment available for rent, I figure I had three options:

Rent a dethatcher power rake (there is no where to rent a heavy duty harley rake around me) from home depot, scratch the surface, spread some new top soil over it, then roll it to firm it up.

Rent a walk behind tiller, mix everything up to a depth of about 4 inches, then roll it and plant.

Do nothing except spread some new top soil to level out low areas, roll it and plant.

Any advice on a plan would be greatly appreciated, Thanks and look forward to sharing my success or misfortune come summer! attached is photo that shows a portion of the front yard and what I'm dealing with.

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