Is my PC dying?
8 years ago
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My baby Zucchini plant is dying - buds dying BEFORE opening
Comments (5)Umm, if those pictures show the new larger pot, the plant will continue to be in trouble. Much too small afor a plant that can easily become 4 feet across. It's early enough in the season that you might consider seeding new plants, fertilizing regularly as soon as the 2nd set of leaves develop. And it would likely be helpful to become acquainted with your county's Extension Service office which will be able to direct you to local gardening information. Use this interactive map to locate your county's office: Here is a link that might be useful: locate your county's Extension Service office...See MoreMy baby Zucchini plant is dying - buds dying BEFORE opening
Comments (1)The Husband Guy says that it sounds like too much fertilizer. however, he also said that 3-4 hours of sun is not enough. If it got very hot where you are, a container pot could dry out very quickly. At any rate, I suspect that transplanting it did more harm than good. Sorry, but I think you need to forget this one and start over. He says that where you are, in South Florida, you would not have to worry about the last freeze date and could plant much earlier than March....See More3 Pc weight and old PC conversion
Comments (2)Oh yea, and here are most of my jars after processing. You guys got me so excited about canning, I bought a new to me, Ebay old 21 Qt Presto canner this week-end and the conversion outlet to use the new style weight set. Com'on Summer and lot's of new tomatos. Keep canning!...See MoreNeed help cleaning up my slow PC
Comments (10)"The only time I really notice is I spend my evenings on Facebook....and as the evenings come to an end....around 10 or so, I notice that it takes forever to change pages" Is it still slow if you restart the browser? ...the computer? If it is still slow, have you tried running a speed test to see if you're bandwidth is dropping about that time of night?Compare your bandwidth when pages are loading quickly, then again after they slow down. I use these sites but there are many others: Open Speed Test,Speed Smart and Speed Test If your bandwidth is the bottleneck, blocking ads might help, at least a little bit. Ads (plentiful on Facebook) do use bandwidth as well as computer resources. This is my newest computer. Specs seemed decent for a non gaming computer. I bought it for my Linux. It was/is quite quick booting and running Linux on the SSD I put in it. But as it came, it seemed painfully slow booting into Windows. After moving Windows onto a cheap SSD, it was like a whole different machine. Now Windows boots and runs as quick as Linux. I'm not saying an SSD would help in your case. But if it's not your bandwidth causing the problem, it might make the computer faster in other respects. I have a 10 or more year old Acer in my bedroom with an SSD and it runs okay. Plenty good for browsing and watching videos. BTW, if you don't have an actual "credit" card (or the cash) or would just like to spread the hurt out a little bit without incurring interest and have had Amazon Prime for awhile you might be able to find one for "5 monthly payments". Here's a nice little Acer for $419.99 or 5 payments of $84. Comes with Windows on an SSD, like it (IMHO) should. It should be plenty fast for a casual user....See More- 8 years ago
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