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Celebration Bermuda Sod Bad

8 years ago

I live in Houston, TX.

Sod preparation:

* used round up on old St. Augustine/common bermuda grass mix (about 3000 sq ft) for about 3 weeks.

* scalped with mower and raked up top 1/2" dead grass

* used 1/2" of sand on top

* laid celebration bermuda of varying quality on a 90 deg F day in mid October. They said sod was cut previous night. Was laid between 11 am and 4 pm.

* grass was soaked for an hour.

* next morning watered for 25 mins per each station. (2 stations in total)

Weather has been 85 during the day and sunny for 10 days straight. Drops to about 55 overnight. I used a raingage and determined that the 25 mins sprinkler per station was getting about 1/2" of water on the grass. However, the sod was drenched - like a sponge to walk on. Pools of water appeared. So I have cut back to about 15 mins (about 7.00 am) per station. The sod is still damp but not as bad.

The sod looks bad to me. It is brown in a lot of areas where as other seem ok. There are brown and dying looking pieces in between greenish pieces. What is going on? am I not watering enough or too much? the sun weather has been sunny ever since this sod went in 10 days ago? was my preparation poor? bad sod to start with?



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