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How not to be rude about unwanted food?

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Pawprints thread about eating other peoples food had me thinking about a serious pet peeve of mine,and wondering how others might handle it. As I said in pawprints thread,unless it's a family member, I really don't like to eat other peoples food. Also, as a verified,certified grown up (i have the water bill and a 401k and everything to prove it) I am pretty sure that I know what I like and what I don't,as well as what I am willing to try,food wise especially. So when other people insist otherwise, I do try to be as polite as possible, but sometimes it's a herculean task. Take some examples of some conversations I had recently. These were with various truck drivers, whom I interact with at my job,and I am fairly friendly with.

Conversation #1:

Him: hey, do you like chow chow?

Me: No, why?

Him: well I made a huge batch and was going to bring you some.

Me: o,thank you for thinking of me, but that's okay, I am not a chow chow person. I appreciate it though.

Him: well,I want you to try it and tell me what you think of it

Me: ok,I don't like chow chow, so.....I don't want you to waste it on me

Him: just try it! You may like it.

Me: no. Thank you,but no.

Him: I'm gonna bring it anyway.

Next day, i come in, and there is a mason jar of chow chow waiting for me. I gave it to a coworker, who likes chow chow. No I didn't try it, because I dont like frickin chow chow. However, when the guy came back the next day,we had this exchange:

Him: hey! Did you try the chow chow?

Me: yup

Him: did you like it?

Me: nope

Him: really??

Me: I told you I wasn't gonna like it.

Him: well,yeah, you did. Well, at least you tried it.

And scene.

Now okay, I lied about trying it. But having eaten it before and deciding that I don't like it,I don't think it counts as a lie. It was the only way,in my opinion,to keep him from continously bringing me gallons of the stuff to go to waste.

Conversation #2-(different guy,same situation)

Him: hey, I've got a ton of deer meat if you're interested..I'm making jerky.....

Me: no,thanks

Him: you don't eat deer?

Me: No. I don't care for deermeat.

Him: (and I have heard this exact line from countless people,and it's always irritating) just haven't had it cooked the right way.

Me: Im pretty sure that the meat itself will taste the same, no matter how you season or cook it. I don't like deer. Thanks though.

Him: Well, the way I cook it, you can't tell the difference between it and a steak.

(I have also heard that exact line numerous times,and yes I big fat could tell the difference. My sister tried to pull one over on me one night and told me she cooked beef steak, and I could tell by the texture and smell that it was deer,let alone the taste. Yuck. They can't make a big enough bottle of A1 to make it palatable to me.)

Me: well, I have some real steaks in my freezer, so I'm good.

Him: I'm gonna bring you some jerky, and you tell me that you can tell the difference between that and beef jerky!

Me: I don't like beef jerky either. Thank you though. Really.

Him: you'll like this jerky.I promise.

So again,I come in one day, and there is a sinister looking bag of jerky waiting for me. The smell alone made me literally gag. So, same coworker to the rescue. He likes deer and jerky,so he took it. Next time I see the guy:

Him: What did you think about the jerky?

Me: I thought it tasted like deer, and jerky, which I don't like.

Him: Well, if I had known you werent going to like it, I wouldnt have wasted so much of it bringing it to you!

(Insert inner wtf moment)

Me: I'm pretty sure I told you I don't like deer or jerky of any kind.

Him: Yeah, but I know that the way I make it is really good. You just don't know good food when you eat it.

Me: Maybe. Perhaps im just not sophisticated enough to appreciate the subtle delights of such a delicacy.

Him: huh?

Me: I didn't like it,so I gave it to someone who did. Okay? I don't want to hurt your feelings, it's just not my thing. It didn't go to waste.

Him: Well,at least I know better from now on.

Me: (silently to myself) Hallelujah

And scene.

I have had this same conversation or variations of it over and over concerning everything from collard greens to fish and seafood to cheesecake. And the same thing keeps happening. I am happy that they are proud of what they make,and I'm sure there are people who like their version of whatever particular food they are pushing on me. However, I am at a loss as to how to stop it. I mean, what's more direct than saying "no" or "I don't like that" followed up with a polite and genuine thank you? I truly appriciate them thinking of me, but the combination of people trying to force me to eat something i know i dont like and the insistance that i will like it,despite all previous experience to the contrary is seriously annoying. Why do people do that? Why do they think that I don't know what I like and dont like? It's especially common this time of year. I dread the day thay I am at work when someone brings me one of their concoctions, and insists that I try it on the spot. Anyone else share this pet peeve with me? How do you handle it?

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