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Bouquets of no-spray roses & when and what to fertilize for health

strawchicago z5
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Above is bouquet picked Oct 7, with Pink Peace and Neil Diamond as largest at 5" or 12.7 cm across. Double Delight (whitish) is 4" across. Radio Times, Betty White, Dee-lish, Munstead Wood, and W.S. 2000 are about 3", and Mary Magdalene smallest at 2" or 5 cm.

Pink Peace grafted on Dr. Huey gets loamy soil, plus lots of Charlie's compost (chicken manure), plus 4 cups of Espoma Lime in the planting hole. Also topped with coop-poop NPK 2-4-3 in mid-Sept.

Double Delight is grafted on Dr. Huey with composted leaves and corn. Both have Dr. Huey-rootstock which secrete acid well to break down soil for nutrients.

The rest are own-roots, largest bloom-own-root Neil Diamond (bought end of June), that has loamy soil, plus leaf & corn compost, plus Coop-Poop & horse manure. Neil went from 4" to 5" with Coop-poop.

SMALLEST at 1/2 normal size is Mary Magdalene, own-root, but nutrients can't reach down thanks to layers of clay-topping, same with Radio Times, much smaller despite SOLUBLE sulfate of potash/gypsum.

CONCLUSION: Shell lime which doesn't glue up is best to neutralize acid-rain. Shell lime has trace elements. The highest yield in agricultural soybean was with sulfate of potash and lime combo, which beat fungicides and late-fall fertilization.

Sulfate of potash turns the switch on for blooming, but phosphorus is needed for larger bloom & better branching, plus SLOW-RELEASED calcium (lime) is need to form petals, leaves, and growth.

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