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Gel Stain Staircase. I need serious help with colours

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

I bought a new house about 10 months ago and I love it. What
I noticed before buying the house was that the previous owners had Brazilian
Cherry installed throughout, but left the staircase Oak...not honey
colour...but a bit darker.

I had full intentions of replacing the staircase to match the rest of the
house...that is until I started receiving quotes. $15,000, $20,000, 25,000.

So I had this idea. White pickets and either Gel Stain or Wiping Stain on the
treads and railing. My problem...that I can't seem to choose a colour to blend or
compliment. Can anyone help?

The first photo, yes there is ceramic in the foyer...that's going to be updated
next year. But if you look, you can see the Cherry wood in the family room off
to the right of the photo. Upstairs is completely Brazilian cherry

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