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Advice Needed on KBG RUST outbreak!

8 years ago

Hello All,

I am a long time lurker and was hoping to post about my lawn success shortly....ummm funny how that work out.

The lawn is about 9weeks old, KBG from sod.

So after this weeks mowing. RUST all over my shoes and mower, even worst is that some lawn areas are yellowing.

I am located in central MN and in very heavy clay with poor drainage. I applied 1lb/k - 1.2lb/k of milogranite @ 3 weeks - The lawn responded well, going from lime green to a respectable green. (FYI, I have been trying to do this mostly organic, however, occasional synthetics/chem is ok.)

We did receive a lot of rain recently and I think this contributed to the RUST outbreak.

SO now my practices. I normally would water 3x per week with .5in each watering. (sprinkler system has been off for 2.5 weeks since nature has applied more than enough water). I have been mowing (and just finished mowing) @ 4 inches and plan to go to 3.5 (on sunday) to get more airflow into the lawn as I have noticed dew/dampness on the lawn at night. (The lawn was really started to thicken and green up prior to this rust problem). FYI, I normally mow 1x per week.

I am a first time home owner and always wanted a nice lawn so this yellowing and rust has crushed my lawn ego...I am not sure how severe this issue is at this point.

Please help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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