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Purex Liquid

Laundry Mich
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Wishing to use up a Gift Card, I ended up with a Huge Bottle of Purex Fresh Spring Waters liquid.

And I mean Huge Bottle!!! It was the only size bottle with "Fresh Spring Waters"... and is nearly a gallon and a half of Liquid Detergent! Someone obviously wasn't thinking when they came up with this. It's next to near impossible to pour correctly.

But beyond that... What is surprising to me, is unlike most other Purex Liquids I've tried in the past, this stuff is VERY low sudsing. I'd say it reminds me of Tide "HE Turbo" Liquid in terms of rinsing & washing. I was truly surprised, and was expecting to have to do an extra rinse.

For what truly matters.. the stuff smells fantastic, and leaves behind a nice clean scent, that out rivals anything recently made by P&G. I also added some Borax, and a Tablespoon of OxyClean into another load and it still rinsed well.

Obviously, it's not some amazing thing with Enzymes, but.. not every load truly needs that sort of power. And I do like the lingering scent it has :) If you added STPP you could seriously have something nice on your hands.

And No. You guys shouldn't all rush out and buy Purex, haha ;)

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