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Additions to the family, and OMG GREAT DEAL!!!!

Went out for grit and came back with plants.

A while ago I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't find an Echeveria Nodulosa except in an overpriced ($31) half-dead dish garden ... Well, It was *still* there today. The nodulosa was pulled right out, but has roots so I talked to customer service and got this (eeee the aloe!!!) for $10 :D I will have to chip off the glue-rocks and drill holes in the container, c'est la vie.

Also had to rescue this haworthia, which has a number of pups, to boot.

And onto my other new babies ... The ubiquitous "4 inch succulent" ... I'm guessing some kind of gasteria/aloe hybrids. I was not even going to buy there today - but I peeked at the trays under the table and there they were :)

And for the piece de resistance ... I got each of these planters for only $10 and those awesome rock planters have drain holes! I got 4 small and 2 large. There's a salvia and a couple other alpine plants, but it's mostly semps and they're all going outside in the rock garden.

I AM SO STOKED *arm dance*


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