My PC keeps needing to recover webpage
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
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One webpage with all the info a semi-newbie would need?
Comments (13)I love to sleep late and have sex at least twice a day. but I never get any of this. Trials and errors are the best teacher. As some suggested you can google the information you need but the danger the information is so contradicting each other it will confuse you more. For example the link for growing pepper above gets you to Ohio State U. They say in growing pepper use 12-12-12 fertilizer or one with high nitrogen content. From my experience gained by trial and errors high nitrogen content will give huge green plant and no or little fruit and the nitrogen number has to be the lowest. Did I say confusing it is....See MoreBest security for my mom's PC
Comments (7)I am sure she could grasp using gmail it is fairly easy and all she has to do is use her browser and she does that to view any website just save gmail as a fave so she can find it easily. I personally would set her up with firefox instead of IE for ease of use and safety and then you could simply put the gmail link directly on the bookmarks toolbar so it is right there for her to click on and set gmail up to remember her info. If she has Vista the firewall in it should be ok for her just make sure once you remove za you turn on the windows firewall in security center. for antivirus I am not sure what you are using but I also like AVAST free you do have to do a real easy quick registration that they send to your email but then it is set , you have to do the register thing about once a year. I would make sure you put some good anti malware programs on there and show her how to open them update them and run a full scan with them have her set up a schedule once a week to run her scans when her pc is on, these 2 are the best SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware she will have to remember to hit the update button before scanning. Also good to have is spywareblaster, this one is not a scanner for it just open it once a week hit update, hit enable all protection, the shield turns green that is it. SpywareBlaster and I agree congrats to her for being willing to take on the technology world! Definitely set up windows auto updates to do them automatically for her she definitely wants to get those and make her understand she does have to leave the computer on so that her programs get their updates. That is one big issue I run into with some elderly, they think they only want to turn it on when they need it then the pc gets way behind on updates and when it is turned on everything tries to update at once and it can be a big mess. leaving it on does not hurt anything mine stay on 24/7. for that reason it is really safer to leave it on rather than keep it off! She could schedule her scans to happen at night while she is asleep....See More3 mo. old PC crashed and I lost my pictures
Comments (19)There are lots of ways for Windows to become "corrupted" that have absolutely nothing to do with a virus or other malware. That's not to say that you didn't a some kind of infection and it's important to use software to protect your system. You also need to realize that tech support's solution to almost everything is to reinstall the operating system. Level 1 techs don't have the time or possibly the skill to diagnose every problem. So the pat answer is a fresh install. That's why it is so important to make regular backups of critical data. Invest in an external hard drive or use one of the online services like Mozy or Carbonite. If you are going to use an external device don't forget about multiple backups and offsite storage. All the backups in the world won't do you a bit of good if they are sitting next to the computer when the house burns down or a tornado strikes....See MoreAvast Web Shield keeps blocking webpages? can I disable?
Comments (5)Thank you, Kudzu9. I knew I could disable across the board, but I'm glad to hear it's safe to just put in the exclusions for the sites I'm using that are getting blocked. Still curious why Avast web shield is now going into overdrive (I don't think a setting got changed). At least I can resume my activities and just allow exclusions that I need. Lynn....See More- 8 years ago
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