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pear leaves have black flecks (scanned leaves included for diagnosis)

I noticed a few leaves on my Ayers pear are beginning to develop black flecks between the veins. It rained all day yesterday, washing my Surround WP off the leaves. That's how I noticed the black flecks.

I did a dormant copper spray and have been keeping a good covering of wettable sulfur. That's it for disease management.

I plucked a leaf this morning and scanned it on my flatbed scanner. I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me to do this in the past. Much better images this way.

I'm not terribly familiar with pear diseases, but the flecks look similar to fabraea. However, I read that fabraea doesn't really appear until late summer/autumn. I know fabraea can be transmitted by pear psylla and I did a late dormant spray of hort oil for them, though I've never seen evidence of psylla on this tree.

Any ideas?



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