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El Nino, Where Art Thou?

That's really a trick question, because I know where it is, somewhere to the north of us. We've had exactly one good rain this winter season and that's it. It's wonderful that the Sierras are building up a good snow pack and reservoirs and lakes are filling up in the north, but here it's as much of a drought situation as ever.

I haven't even looked at this forum for some weeks because I'm so sad about my garden and the lack of rain. I would say that almost three quarter of the roses are diseased with some kind of blackspot malady which is an all-time first for me. In spite of no rain the humidity was very high for some weeks and on some roses I can't see a single healthy leaf. Other than watering I've been ignoring the garden and concentrating on indoor things like new carpeting and a new couch, and general rearranging and freshening which was sorely needed after 9 years here.

There is no prediction of any rain in the near future and January is usually one of the wettest months, or at least it used to be. After being hyped up about El Nino for the better part of last year this has been a huge disappointment.

How's the rain situation been for all you other dry weather gardeners?

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