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Another new Sourdough Starter

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

Although the one I started 10 days ago was really active, I didn't like like the way it smelled. SO since I didn't have much time invested in it, I decided to start over.

I began another new "sourdough starter" on Sunday, using fresh organic (Canadian) rye that my friend Pam from Scoops Natural Foods milled for me on Saturday.

I started two, both with the fresh rye and bottled water. I fed them both again on Tuesday morning.

I had to go out and by the time I got home they had more than doubled and one had even collapsed.

I fed one with white and started it on maintenance and the other I fed with rye and used some of the discard on Tuesday night to make a biga.

The biga/preferment went into a 750g batch of dough Wednesday morning. And then into the fridge for an over night rise.

The dough was taken out of the fridge early Thursday morning and left on the counter to warm up before shaping.

Baked two rounds in Dutch Ovens.

Crumb. Not bad for a new starter.

My plan is to feed the starter at least once a week and to use some of the discard in a new batch of sourdough bread.

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